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A.S. Flagg
Capt & Asst: Q.M. 
Supt R. Freedmen &c 
Fort Monroe Va 
24 June/65

Requesting water transportation be assigned him, for use in his District
H'd Q'rs Bureau Refugees, Freemen &c 
Richmond Va, 25th June/65
Respectfully forwarded to Col W.L. James Chief Q.M, Dept Va, with the request that the Quartermaster at Fort Monroe be ordered to furnish Capt A.S. Flagg A.Q.M., and Superintendent Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, with such Quartermaster's transportation as he may require.
R'd 25 June Forw'd 26 June/65

George J. Carney 
Major and Q.M 
Norfolk, Va 
23d June 1865.
Encloses certificate of indebtedness of Jonas Bartlett for services performed at govt Saw Mill on Eastern Shore Va - Thinks Bartlett should be paid for services
H'd Q'rs Bureau 
Ref: Freedmen &c 
Richmond Va, 26 June/65

T.E.H. McClean 
Supt How House Mission 
Fort Monroe, Va 
23d June 1865
Asking transportation for himself and four lady teachers to their homes
H'd Q'rs Bureau 
Ref: Freedmen &c, 
Richmond Va 26th June/65
Respty refd to Capt A.S. Flagg A.Q.M. &c
If these parties are found to be all right" please forward the enclosed - Hereafter such applications should be made through you
R'd June 26 and For'd 26 June 1865.

Saml C White 
Liberty, Bradford Co. Va- 
26 June/65
Application for the restoration of his plantation
H'd Q'rs Bureau 
Ref: Freen & A.L, 
Richmd Va, 26 June/65 
Respty refd to Capt A.S. Flagg A.Q.M. & Supt Refugees, Freedmen &c, who will ascertain and report respecting the political status of the claimant, the condition of the farm, and whether it is needed for the use of Refugees and Freedmen
R'd 26 June & for'd 26 June/65

Col & Asst. Com.- 
23d June 1865
Requests that two officers (names given) be ordered to investigate in the affairs of the govt. School at Hampton Va
H'd Quarters Dept. of Va 
Richmond Va 
June 24th/65
Respectfully returned to Colonel O. Brown Asst. Commissioner Freedmen's Bureau. The 8th N.Y. Indept. Battery is under orders to be mustered out.
R'd 25th June & filed

Jas B. Whitcomb 
Surg 11th Conn V 
Point of Rocks Va 
25th June 1865.
Asks for the return of two platforms cars built for R.Rd at Pt of Rocks and now lying on the wharf at Richmond. unused-
H'd Q'rs Bureau 
Ref: Freedmen &c

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