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D H Chandler and W.R. Webster 
June 1865

Application for farms in Elizabeth City Co - called Buckroe and Whitney Farms - now occupied by Freedmen, and bought by the above parties at the sale of confiscated property

Refer 2 Book 50
Endorsed H'd Q'rs Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c 
Richmond Va, 30th June/65
Respty ref'd to Capt A.S. Flagg A.Q.M &c, who will report whether this land is desirable for the Freedmen -
R'd 30 June & For'd 30 June/65

Jas E Rhoads 
Secy Penn Relief A. 
June 28th 1865
Asks for a lot of land to erect a school house on, at Petersburg Va

Endorsed H'd Q'rs Bureau Ref: Freedmen &c 
Richmond Va, 30 June 1865
Respectfully referred to Capt Stuart Barnes AQM &c, who will ascertain whether a lot can be found and if so will report
R'd 30 June and for'd 30 June/65

Chas E Johnston 
Norfolk Va 
28th June 1865.
Requests assistance in obtaining a commission as Captain and Asst Quartermaster in the Freedmen's Bureau -

H'd Q'rs Bureau Ref: Freedmen &c 
Richmond Va, 1st July 1865.
Respectfully forwarded to Maj General Howard - 
I can recommend Mr Johnston as an honest, faithful man and one well deserving the promotion asked for. If long and faithful service makes a claim to promotion Mr Johnston is fairly entitled to it- His experience in affairs of the Bureau eminently fit him for service in it - If he cannot receive the appointment of Asst Q. Master, I would respectfully ask that he may be commissioned as Captain in some colored regiment, and assigned to this Department for duty-
R'd 1st July & forw'd 1st July 1865

G.H. Young 
Norfolk, Va 
29th June/65
Application for the property at Hickory ground, Norfolk Co, Va

Respectfully forwarded to Col O Brown Asst. Com. Richmond, The applicant J. W. Young exhibited to me a certificate of oath of allegiance taken on 23 of May 1865, and also an official copy of oath No 62 subscribed to by Mr J.W. Young before W.H. Barry, clerk U.S. District Court, Norfolk Va, on the 6th day of June 1865 - H. Balentine it appears paid a money rent last year to H.D Streeter and agreed with him for the year 1865, but I learn there are two farms and not one and I have notified him to come in and explain. Your obt servt Thos. P. Jackson Asst Supt.

Hd. Q'rs Bureau R.F &c 
Richmond Va, 1st July 1865. Respty returned - I know of no reason

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