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why these forms should be retained
R'd 1st July & ret'd 1 July 1865

Stuart Barnes 
Capt & A.Q.M 
21st June 1865
Report of Condition of Negro affairs in Accomac and Northampton Co's Va
Endorsed Hd. Q'rs Bureau Refugees, Freedmen &c 
Richmond Va, 1st July 1865.
Respectfully referred to Capt A.S. Flagg A.Q.M. &c 
R'd 1st July & for'd July 1865

John B. Gill 
Co L. 2d Mass. A. 
Overseer of Rilisoly Farm~ 
27 June 1865
Statement in reference to assault upon him by brothers Miller and subsequent dismissal of complaint by Major Collins of Portsmouth.
June 30th 1865  Respty forwarded to Col O Brown Asst Com'r with reference to affidvit of J.B. Gill and report that so far as I can learn no civil remedy is open to John B Gill whose face bears marks, of the brutal treatment which he received
Your obt Servt 
Thos. P. Jackson 
Asst Supt.

Hd. Q'rs Bureau of Refugees &c 
Richmond Va July 2d 1865.
Returned through Lt Keatley - Bring this case before Genl Mann- Have it at once tried by a military Com'r - Hereafter all reports must be made through Lt Keatley to Capt Flagg
R. 2 July & F'wd 2 July 1865


T.P. Jackson 
28 June 1865 
Order to turn over Bradford Fishery to Mrs A.E. Bradford
Gave D.r Bradford order in accordance with within addressed to A. Filmore overseer of Bradford Farms

Hd. Q'rs Bureau Refugees, Freedmen &c 
Richmond Va, 2d July 1865-
Respty returned to Lt Keatley, Let the rent be paid to Mrs Bradford - obtain the lease from Cook on condition that Bradford lets it to him on the same terms.
R'd 2 July & for'd 2d July 1865

J. W.hitcomb 
Surg 11 Conn V. 
Point of Rocks, 
July 1865.
Inventory of Property at Point of Rocks Hospital Va -
Hd. Q'rs Bureau R.F & A.L. 
Respectfully returned - make a full inventory specifying the number or quantity of all articles
R'd 2 July & for'd 2 July 1865.

Wm Townston 
Mecklenburg Co 
1st July 1865
Complain they cannot enforce their contracts for labor with the col'd people - ask for assistance
Hd. Q'rs Bureau R.F &c 
Richmond, Va, July 1st 1865.
Referred to Capt S. Barnes for Investigation & Report - 
R 1 July & f'd 2 July 1865

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-02 19:12:50