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The ejectment from the premises he had leased from the Treas'y agent, was by a military order for the purpose of putting other parties in possession, and not for the benefit of Negro affairs_
From reports that reach me from various quarters, it would seem that injustice to the former Military Commandant of the District, a thorough investigation should be made of all property transactions during his administration_ Until such investigation is made it is impossible to ascertain the amount of property in the District belonging to this Bureau
R'd 8 July & for'd 8 July 1865

Robert Hudgin 
Bow Green Va
28 June 1865
Asks the loan of corn to meet present needs.
H'd Q'rs Bureau R.F & A L 
Richmond Va, 8 July 1865
Respty returned - No provision has been made by this Bureau for such cases -. Mr Hudgin will please to state if the people particularly under charge of this Bureau are interested in the matter and if so in what way_
R'd 8 July and ret'd 8 July 1865


E. C. Darlington
Yorktown Va
July 3d 1865

Asks removal of restrictions upon oystering 
H'd Q'rs Bureau R &c
Richmond Va, 8 July 1865
Respty referred to Capt A. S. Flagg A.QM & Supt R.F. & A.L for investigation and report_
R. 8 July & for'd 8 July 1865.


A. S. Flagg
Capt AQM &c
Fort Monroe Va
July 6th/65
Enclosing certificates of indebtedness given by Capt Wilder, with request that they be approved and order given to pay the same.
H'd Q'rs Bureau &c
Richmond Va 8 July 1865.
Respty returned. I would recommend that Capt C. B. Wilder A.Q.M pay these certificates, there being no quartermasters funds in the Bureau for this purpose
R'd 8 July ret'd 8 July 1865

Lucy B. Pegram 
Norfolk, Va
July 7th 1865
Asks for the occupancy of her house
H'd Q'rs Bureau R.F & A L 
Richmond Va, July 10th 1865.
Respty ref'd to Capt. A. S. Flagg A.Q.M Supt &c &c_
If the premises are to be vacated there seems to be no reason why they may not be occupied by Mrs Pegram until they are rented
By order of Col Brown Asst Com'r 
R. S. Evans A.A.A.G.
R'd 10 July & for'd 10 July 1865

Sara. G. Browne
Townfield Asylum 
3 July 1865
Makes enquiry for box of books - concerning rations &c
H'd Q'rs Bureau R.F &. A.L
Richmond Va, July 10th 1865,
Respt'y ref'd to Capt A. S. Flagg A.Q.M. Supt &c. Capt F, will as soon as possible appoint and Asst Supt for Eastern Shore - it is recommended that he write to Lt Keatley for information relative to the Box of Books
R. 10 July & for'd 10 July 1865

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