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that she may be taken to her mother

Hd. Qrs. Bureau R.F & A.L.
Richmond Va, 14th July 1865
Respty ref'd to Capt S. Barnes A.Q M &c
R 14 July & for'd 15 July/65

W.L. Robinson
1st Lt 22d U.S.C.T.
Newport News
12 July 1865
Applies for a Position in Freedmens Bureau -
Hd. Qrs Bureau R.F & A L
Richmond Va, July 15/65.
Respty forwarded to Maj Genl O.O. Howard, approved
R'd 15 July & for'd 15 July 1865.

W.H. Mason
New Kent, County
July 12th/65
Asks that a family of Col'd people (Richardsons) for whom she has no employment - and who refused to move - be removed -
Hd. Q'rs Bureau R.F & A L
Richmond Va, July 15/65
Respty ref'd to Capt A S Flagg AQM & Supt.  If within statements are true these persons should be removed without delay -

R 15 July & ford 15 July/65

A.G. Carner
Capt. & A.Q.M
Richmond Va
15 July 1865
Is prepared to turn over the "Clothing Bureau" to the Bureau of R.F & A L.
Hd. Qrs. Bureau R F & A L
Richmond Va July 15/65.
Respty refd to Lt H S. Merrell, Supt of Refugees, Freedmen &c. &c. You will receive the clothing and


all property pertaining to the "Clothing Bureau"

R'd 15 July & for'd 15 July 1865

Joel Crawford
1st Lt & Asst Supt
Portsmouth Va
8 July 1865

Asks for furlough for Corp: Wm G. Dudley Co. H 8 Regt Conn Vet Vols
H'd Q'rs Bureau Ref &c
Richmond Va July 15th/65.
Respty For'd to Col E.W. Smith A.A.G. Dept of Va, approved

R'd 15 July & for'd 15 July/65

A.S. Flagg
Capt & A.Q.M
Fort Monroe
13 July 1865

States facts in regard to Saw Mill on Estate of W.C. Young, Warwick Co. Va - with copies of two papers marked "A" & "B" -
H'd Q'rs Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Richmond Va, July 15/65.
Resptfully forwarded to Col E.W. Smith A.A. Genl. Dept of Va.

R'd. 15 July & for'd 15 July 1865

Gillette Capt. James
C.S.V. Near Alexandria Va

Desires information whether Govt. will furnish Freedmen Transportation North in order to rejoin their families.
Supt. Office F.B. 7th Dist. Lynchburg Va July 13' 65
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown, Asst Com'r. for desired information, and with statement that numerous applications for transportation are made to this office, but refused unless in peculiar cases, where the applicant can go on Govt. boat or R.R. Hundreds of blacks in this dist. are refugees from Northern Va., or other states, and it is desired to know whether the Govt. proposes to return these blacks to their old homes and friends. Their absence being compulsory
Richmond Va, July 15/65.

Transcription Notes:
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