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[[note]] Papers [[?]] [[/note]] 
[[strikethrough]] by Freedmen, and bought by the above parties at the sale of confiscated property
H'd Q'rs Bureau Refugees, F &c 
Richmond Va, 30 June 1865.  
Respectfully referred to Capt A.S. Flagg A.Q.M &c, who will report whether this land is desirable for the Freedmen 
R'd 30 June for'd 30 June/65 [[/strikethrough]]

S. Schwartz 
Richmond Va 
22 June 1865.

Respty asks for a requisition of two colored women on facts stated 
Returned endorsed 
Bureau Refugees & F 
H'd Q'rs Asst. Com'r 
Washington June 27th 1865
Respty ret'd to Col O Brown Asst Com'r &c - The two: women to whom reference is made in the within papers were yesterday discharged from custody by the warden of the prison on receipt of a letter from His Excellency Gov'r Pierpont of Va stating that there were no civil officers to try them and recommending their release - 
The property is held subject to an order from the court
John Eaton Jr Col and Asst Com'r
R'd 30 June & filed

B.W. Mann & ors 
Committee &c 
Richmond Va 
27th June 1865

Returned endorsed War Dept Bureau Refugees &c Washington July 3d 1865.


Respty returned - Col Brown will refer the matter mentioned herein to the Military Commander of the Dept of Virginia, and request his interference - The provost Marshal can arest the disloyal minister and place in the church the one selected by the congregation - By the same power - until the civil courts can act - the property can be restored to the proper owners - By order of 
Maj Genl Howard 
J.S. Fullerton A.A.G.

H'd Q'rs Asst Com'r Ste of Va 
Richmond Va, July 6th 1865. 
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Genl Terry - Commdg Dept of Va - with reference to endorsement from Bureau of Refugees &c - Washington July 3d/65
R'd 6 July and for'd 6 July 1865.

Sidney S Nicholas 
Richmond Va 
27 June 1865

Returned Endorsed 
Office Supt Ref &c 
Mil: Dist: Ft Monroe 
Fort Monroe Va, June 28/65
Respty ref'd to Lt S. Hawk Asst Sup't Ref &c, Dist: of Elis: City Co. who will investigate the claim set up by the within applicant, and whether the premises referred to are occupied and if so how, & by whom, and report to this office what action in his judgment should be taken in the case
A.S. Flagg 
Capt & A.Q.M Supt: Ref: &c.


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-02 22:40:59