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Flagg, Cap A. S.
A.Q.M. Supt &c to
Fortress Monroe
July 15/65

Request list of confiscated property in Norfolk Va
H'd Qrs Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Richmond Va July 19/65

Resp'y returned to Cap. A. S. Flagg - Lieut Keatley will have to find the list required at the office of the U.S. Dist Attorney
By Order of
Col. O. Brown
P S Evans AAA Genl.
Rec'd & Ret'd July 19/65

Sam'l C. White
Liberty, Bedford Va
26th June 1865

Returned endorsed
Office Supt Ref &c
Mil Dist, Ft Monroe
Ft Monroe Va, June 28/65
Respty ref'd to Capt E. W. Coffin Asst Supt Ref &c York Co. Va. for investigation and report, according to instructions in previous endorsement
A.S. Flagg
Capt & AQM. Supt Ref &c

Office Asst Supt Freedmen
Yorktown Va 10 July/65
Respty returned and attention invited to the following endorsement upon a similar application of Mr. White to Bvt Brig Gen'l B. C. Ludlow under date of May 24th 1865
"About one hundred acres of this farm is leased to colored men in small lots: the balance is being cultivated by government for the purpose of providing work for the unemployed negroes; it cannot therefore be given up this year without very serious loss to the U.S. Govt. - The Peach orchard would

be of no service to the claimant unless a large force should be detailed to guard it every peach would otherwise be stolen: I presume the general comdg would not be willing to furnish such guard unless the United States would in some way be benefitted by it: the expense of this protecting the orchard would very nearly equal the value of the crop.
I respty recommend that the property be retained until the close of the present year"
E W Coffin
Capt C S. & Asst Supt &c

Office Supt Refugees &c
Mil Dist. Fort Monroe, Va
Fort Monroe 13th July 1865.
Respty ret'd to Capt E. W. Coffin Asst Supt Ref &c and his attention invited to the fact that his endorsement does not answer the question propounded by Col Brown as to the political status of the applicant.
A. S. Flagg
Cat & A.Q.M &c

Office Asst Supt Freed:
Yorktown Va July 15/65.
Respty returned to Capt A. S. Flagg A.Q.M & Supt Freedmen &c - Mr White left Yorktown in April 1862 and has since that time resided within the lines of the enemy; Soon after the capture of Richmond he took the oath of allegiance to the US Govt.
The mill referred to in Mr Whites communication 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-04 18:03:14 P.S. Evans - found his military records