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Hd Qrs Bureau R.F.A.L. 
Richmond Va July 19/65

Resp'y returned to Maj Gen Terry- with the report that Negro Affairs in this Dep't are insolvent - I would therefore respectfully renew the application that these men be paid from the Civil Fund
O Brown Col - Ass't Com'r  - (see folio 74)
rec'd July 19

Keatley L't J.H.
Ass't Sup't &c&c 
Norfolk Va July 13/65

Applies for War Dept Orders
Ft Monroe July 15-65
Resp't forwarded to Col. O.Brown approved
A.S. Flagg Cap A.Q.M. Supt &c &c - 

H'd Qrs Bureau R.F., A. L -
Richmond Va July 19/65
Resp'y forwarded to Col. Ed. W. Smith approved
O. Brown Col & Ass't Com'r
Re'd & F'd July 19/65

Sawyer Lt H.B. 
Ass't Sup't 
Richmond July 18/65

Notifying Emily Laws to appear before him 
Prov. Mar. Office 1st District Richmond Va July 18- 1865
Resp'y forwarded to Com'd'g Gen'l District of Henrico - The matter herein mentioned had already undergone investigation in this office - The case was regarding clothes held for board, and it is respectfully desired to know whether the case coming within Lieut Sawyers jurisdiction 
J.B. Hager Cap. 14th Inf'y 
P.M. 1st Dist. -


H'd Quarters Dist - Henrico 
Richmond Va July 19 - 1865
It is of the greatest importance that there should be no conflict of authority between the Military Authorities & Bureau of Freedmen - I propose that the Freedmen should make his election. when he has a complaint to profer to go before the Freemen's Bureau, or the Military Authorities - but to abide by the decision, and not because one court does not satisfy him to turn to the other. I am willing; if you prefer it, to turn over all the Police cases of the city - in which a negro is involved to you.
Maj. Gen. Turner-
Com'd Dist of Henrico -

Hd' Quarters Bureau Refugees F., A.L- Richmond Va July 19 - 1865
Resp'y returned to Maj Genl Turner - The officers of this Bureau in Henrico Co are directed to refer all cases - that they can not settle by advice - to the Provost Court - I would resp'y suggest if it would be well to have all cases occurring between the Negroes, or between Negroes & Whites adjudicated by Cap. Beckwith - 
O. Brown Col & 
Ass't Commissioner
R'd  Rtd 
July 19/65

Barnes Cap Stuart 
A.Q.M., Supt &c &c 
Petersburg Va July 18/65

States that the Genl Com'd'g District of the Nottaway cannot furnish officers for duty in the Bureau - Ass Ass't Comr's
- Endorsed -

[[margin note]] Refer 2/Bk 39 [[/margin note]]
H'd Qrs Bureau R.F. & A.L. Richmond Va July 19/-
Resp'y forwarded to Col C.W. Smith A.A.Genl. I think it necessary that Military Officers should be appointed as Ass't Sup'ts 
O. Brown Col Ass. Com'r
R'd & F'd July 19/65

Transcription Notes:
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