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compensation" for the growing crops will be ascertained by a board of appraisal to be appointed by the superintendent. 
Rd 25 June retd 25 June/65

John M. Pullen
Norfolk Va
20 June 1865

Application for return of property (4 workshops) in Norfolk Va.-

Office Supt  Freed's Bureau 
Norfolk Va  June 20 /65
Respty forw'd to Col O. Brown Asst Com. F. B, with the recommendation that the property designated within be returned to its owner.
Jno H Keatley
Asst Supt Freedman

Richmond Va
June 25 /65
Respty returned - if the within statement is correct the property should be restored 
R. June 25th ret'd June/65

Fred Butt
Norfolk Co. Va
June 27 1865

Makes application for the restoration of his farm. 

Respty forw'd to Col O. Brown Asst Com'r - We have not occupied the farm of Fred Butt which is a miserable place on the Elbow Road, Norfolk Co Francis Butt assures me he took the oath prescribed but does not hand it to me for the reason that he Frederick is now sick in bed but will do so if required


No income is expected from the farm this year.
Your obt Servt 
Thos. R. Jackson 
Asst Supt &c

H'd Q'rs Bureau R.F &c 
Richmond Va, 30th June 1865 
Respectfully referred to Capt A.S. Flagg A.Q.M &c- This farm can be returned if the interests of the Freedmen are not injured thereby.
R'd 30 June & for'd 30 June/65

Wilson Capps 
Norfolk Va 
29 June/65

Application for the return of a Bay Mare. 

Office Supt Freedmen 
Norfolk Va 30 June/65
Respty ref'd to Mr Jackson for information
J H Keatley Lt &c

Respty ret'd to Lt J H Keatley with the report that the circumstances within recited as to prior allocation for the horse of Wilson Capps are correct - as to the conditions on which Gen'l Wild took the horse. I know nothing nor if its identity - I have always known Seymour as a law abiding citizen 
Your obt Servt
T.R. Jackson 
Asst Supt

Office Asst Supt Freedmen 
Norfolk. Va 30 June 1865
Respty ref'd to Capt A S. Flagg with the information of Mr. Jackson, with the

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