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Gillette Rev. Dr.
Washington July, 14'65

Requests position in the Bureau for his son.
H'd. Q'rs. Bureau R.F & A.L. 
Richmond Va July 17' 65
[[margin note]] Refer 2 Book 56 [[/margin note]]
Respectfully referred to Capt. H.E. Alvord Col. Brown requests that if you have need  of the services of Lieut. D.D. Gillette, you  make application for his appointment
By Order of Col. O Brown
P.S. Evans A.A.A.G
Forwarded June 17 1865

Tuckerman G.S. 
Ft. Monroe Va. July 5th 65

States the case of Claiborne C. Johnson, a free colored man. who worked 5 years for Fitzhugh Lee at White House Va. and who promised to pays Johnson but did not during the whole term of service.

Hd Qrs. Bureau R. F & A.L. 
Richmond Va. June 17 1865
Respectfully referred to Capt. A.S.. Flagg A.Q.M 
Supt &c   Col. O. Brown requests that this case be attended to at once.
By order of Col Brown
P.S. Evans A.A.A.G.
Forwarded July 17, 1865

Sullivan Lt Col S.C. 
Chief C of S. Dept of Va 
Richmond July 17/65

Inquires if Destitute Whites are to be subsisted by the Bureau Refugees &c &.c.
Hd. Qrs. Bureau R.F. & A.L.  
Richmond Va July 18th 65
Resp'y returned to Lieut. Col. Sullivan Chief C.S.  No instructions have been received at these Hd. Qrs. to issue Rations to others than "Refugees and Freedmen" is understood Those persons who, in consequence


of their loyalty, have been driven from their homes, and are destitute.
By order of 
Col. O. Brown 
Asst. Commissioner 
P.S. Evans 
A.A.A Gen'l

Crandon Capt 
A.Q.M. Sup't R.F. & A.L. 
Gordonsville July 17/65

Asks if he has authority to bind out orphan children, without guardians - thinks it would be for their interests - with certain restrictions & stipulations -
H'd Qrs Bureau R.F. & A.L. 
Richmond Va July 18 - 1865
Resp'y returned to Capt. Cranson - You will obtain a list of all orphan children under the age of 15- and forward to these Head Qrs-
By order of
Col O.Brown Asst Comr 
P.S. Evans A.A.A.Genl
Rec'd & Ret'd July 18/65

Crandon Cap T.F.O.
A.Q.M. Sup't R.F. & A.L. 
Gordonsville July 17/65

Inquires if he can authorize Cap Wells C.A. at Louisa C.H. to issue rations to destitute & Refugees, Freedmen in requisitions approved by him.
Endorsed -
H'd Qrs Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c &c -  
Richmond Va July 18 - 1865
Resp'y returned to Cap Crandon  Calling attention to Circular No 8 War Dep't Washington D.C. June 20 - 1865
By order of 
Col. O.Brown Asst Com'r 
P.S. Evans A.A.A.G.
Re'd & ret'd July 18/65

Transcription Notes:
Please read Freedmen's Bureau transcription instructions for proper transcription. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-05 08:44:22