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John A Strachan 
Chesterfield Co, Va
22d June 1865

Returned endorsed
War Dept 
Bureau Refugees Freedman &c 
Washington July 12th 1865
Respty returned to Col: Brown Asst. Com'r for va to know whether he can give up this property at present, and whether Mr. Strachans conduct during the war has been such as to warrant the Commissioner of this Bureau in returning the same to him, without an order or directions from a U.S. Court 
By order of 
Maj Gen'l Howard 
J.S. Fullerton
A.A. Gen'l
[[margin  note]] Refer 2d Book 125.- [[/margin note]]

H'd Q'rs Bureau R.F & A.L 
Richmond Va 24 July 1865.
Respty returned to Maj: Genl: Howard - From the evidence I can reach, Mr. Strachan's property was valued at more than twenty thousand dollars $20.000 in 1860 - I enclose herewith letters from Gen'l Butler and Dr. Suckley, in relation to his loyalty - It is generally reported that his sermons were disloyal -
There has been a large amount expended on this land for buildings &c - I think the political status of Mr S. is such that he should prove his title to the property in the U.S. Courts-.
R'd Rich'd Va- July & ret'd 24 July/65

John A Strachan 
Chesterfield Co, Va
22d June 1865


Since making the above endorsement the accompanying affidavit has been


handed in by Mr Strachan's lawyer 
ret'd to Genl H 24 July 1865.

Transcription Notes:
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