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Com:- Think he would he an excellent man to supply the place of Raymond at the school at Fort Monroe
By order of Genl Howard 
J.A. Sladen 
Priv Secy
Rc'd 20 June 1865 & filed

W. P Fessenden
Portland Me 
June 17th 1865.

Recommending the Hon & Rev'd E. Knowlton for a position in the Bureau
I believe Mr Knowlton to be an excellent man and perhaps he may be made useful at Fort Monroe where he now is
O.O. H 
Re'd 22d June/65 & filed

C.K. Graham 
Bvt Maj Genl
Norfolk Va 
June 18th 1865.

Recommends Mr T. P. Jackson for position in freedmens Bureau
War Dept Bu: Ref: Freedmen &c 
Washington D C 23rd June/65
Respty referred to Col O.Brown Asst Com'r for Va - Mr Jackson has been referred to you for information 
By command 
Sam'l L. Taggart 

H'd Q'rs Bureau Ref,
Freedmen &c Rich. Va 26 June/65
Respty returned. I must earnestly recommend that Mr T.P. Jackson be appointed Captain and Asst Quartermaster,


and ordered to duty in this Bureau - He has had an experience with the Freedmen under my direction, of more than two years, and has moved himself well qualified to take charge of them and their affairs.-  He is a gentleman of high christian and moral character, of superior intellectual attainments, and of industrious habits - His devotion and faithfulness to the interests of the Freedmen deserve some recognition 
Signed O.Brown 
Colonel and Asst Commissioner.
R'd 26 June and ret'd 26 June/65

S.S. Hunting
Chaplain 27 Mich V. 
June 15/65

Relative to treatment of Freedmen in Va suggests a plan for establishing confidence &c.
War Dept Bureau Ref &c
Washington June 22/65
Respectfully referred to Col O Brown Asst Com'r for Virginia
By Command 
Saml' L. Taggart 
rec'd 26 June and filed

W.T. Henderson 
Hampton, Va 
21 June 1865.

Has taken oath of allegiance asks repossession of property, now used by negro's 
Referred to Maj Gen'l Howard, Com'r Refugees, Freemen & A. Plantations 
By order of the President
R D. Massey & Mil Secty


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