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R. Williams 
A.A. Gen'l
A. Genl office
June 28th/65

Informing Genl Howard that the Sec'y of War has directed that such gov't building at City Pt. not required for military purposes be turned over to the Bureau of R.F & A L'ds - 
R'd 5th July & copy for'd to Capt Barnes.

Col. O. Brown 
Richmond Va
22 June 1865

Reports that under the operation of Gen'l orders No 110 CS. War Department  a large amount of property will come into possession of the Bureau - Asks if property of every description as "Recruiting Fund" "Civil Property" shall be accounted for in accordance with Par 22 Gen'l Regulations and Page 512 Revised Regulations - 
War Department 
Bureau Ref: Freedmen &c 
Washington July 3d 1865.
Respty returned - Recruiting fund "Civil Property" and such finds will not be taken up on Quartermasters papers - Funds arising from or connected with freedmens affairs must be kept seperate from others and accounted for to the chief disbursing and accounting officer of the Bureau (Col Balloch) Quartermaster funds proper will, of course, be taken up on Quartermasters papers.
The paragraph referred to means simply that property should be accounted for i n the same manner as mentioned therein, and not that funds arising from sources outside of the War Dept and not connected therewith, should be thrown Th
By order of Maj Gen'l Howard
J.S. Fullerton A.A.G
R'd 8 July/65 and filed


S.S. Rowland
Princeton NY
June 27th 1865

Application for land called Neston Tract, Charles City County
War Dept 
Bureau Ref &c 
Washington July 7th 1865
Respty ref'd to Col O.Brown Asst Com'r for Va
By command 
J.S. Fullerton 
Asst: Adgt. Genl:

H'd Q'rs Bureau R.F & A L 
Richmond Va July 10th 1865
Respty ret'd to Maj Genl O.O. Howard 
The land referred to is not in possession of the Bureau
R'd 10 July and ret'd 10 July 1865.

O.O. Howard
Maj Genl &c
28 June/65

H'd Q'rs Bureau R.F & A L 
Richmond Va, July 10th 1865
Respty referred to the Am: Miss Ass. asking attention to Gen'l Howards endorsement - This paper was forwarded to Gen'l Terry - but there is no provision to support this school from the Civil Fund - It is hoped that the Am: Miss Asso. will be able to undertake the support of this school
R'd 10 July & for'd 10 July 1865.

J.W. Forney
Philadelphia Pa
July 3d/65

Calls attention to letter already forwarded by Paschal Morris, manufacturer of agricultural implements &c, recommends him for the patronage of the Bureau &c (Letter of Mr Morris herewith) (1 enclosure)


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