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War Dept 
Bureau Ref: &c 
Washington July 7th 1865
Respty ref'd to Col O.Brown Asst: Comr calling attention to Mr Morris' offer 
By command 
J.S. Fullerton 

H'd Q'rs Bureau &c 
Richmond Va, 10 July 1865.
Respty returned to Maj Gen'l Howard
It is impossible to know the quantity of agricultural Tools that will be required for the Freedmen, until the amount of land that will be set apart for their benefit is known - I would respectfully recommend when the quantity of Tools and seeds required is ascertained, that such officer of the Bureau as the Commissioner may designate, advertise for sealed proposals for furnishing them
Re'd 10 July & ret'd 10 July 1865

A. F Leonard
Norfolk, Va
5 July 1865.

Requests the property, belonging to him which has been seized by govt, may be returned &c
War Department 
Bureau Refugees, F &c 
Washington July 8th 1865
Respty ref'd to Col Brown Asst: Comr to know if the property herein mentioned is in his possessio - if so what use is made of it
By command of Maj Genl O.O. Howard
J.J. Fullerton A.A.G.


H'd Q'rs 
Bureau R.F & A. L 
Richmond. Va. July 11th 1865.
Respty ref'd to Capt A.S. Flagg A.Q.M &c &c, who will investigate and report, as to what portion of this property is in the hands of the Bureau - and what portion is, or has been in the hands of the Treasy Dept.
R'd 11 July & for'd 11 July 1865

Hon Chas. Sumner
Boston. Mass
July 1st 1865

Refers letter of J.E. Boush of Norfolk Va & asks is something cannot be done to save the freedmen & unionists from Rebel Power - (No enclosure)
War Dept, Bureau of R &c 
Washington July 5 - 1865
Respty ref'd to Col Brown Asst Com'r of Va for investigation of the abuses mentioned herein and report - 
This papers to be returned with report
By command 
J.S. Fullerton A.A.G.

H'd Q'rs Bureau R.F &c 
Richmond Va, 11th July 1865.
Respty returned - I have the honor to report that abuses towards the Freedmen have existed since the organization of the municipal governments in the cities of Norfolk & Portsmouth ~ only a few days has been allowed these governments to make their records ~ The accompanying order will I think correct the evil - I cannot learn of any specific case of abuse by these governments towards men because they are Union Men - It appears that a political

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-04 23:08:24