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warfare exists between the Union party now in power, and a more radical minority, which advocates the right of sufferage for the Freedmen - If abuses exist the Unionists alone are responsible - No disloyalists having been allowed the right of sufferage or to hold office until the action of the last session of the Union legislature of Virginia gave them the right
R'd 9 July & ret'd 11 July 1865

O Brown
Col & Asst Com'r
July 1st 1865

Reports that Benevolent societies of the North are becoming anxious about buildings for school &c - States that there are enough buildings in all the cities held by men who do not come within the amnesty proclamation, wish to know if anything can be done unless the property is abandoned or confiscated
War Dept Bureau of R &c
Washington DC, July 5th 1865
Respty ret'd - Property cannot be set apart for the use of Refugees or Freedmen unless it has been, or now is, abandoned or when it has been confiscated
By order Maj Genl Howard
Oliver Matthews A.A.G.
R'd 8 July 1865 & filed

Chas. E. Johnston
Norfolk Va
28 June 1865

Ret'd Endorsed 
War Dept Bureau Ref &c 
Washington July 6th 1865. 
Respty ret'd - The Secretary of War refuses


to make any new appointments, and no officers are now appointed in the colored regiments to places above the rand of 2d Lieut, all above 2d Lt are made by promotion
By command &c
J.S. Fullerton A.A.G.
Rd 9 July/65 filed

O. Brown Col & Asst: Com'r
5 July/65
Wishes to know if order mustering out Capt Felt CS. can be revoked.
July 6th 1865.
The Comsy Gen'l informs me that a similar telegram was rec'd yesterday by him and was forwarded to the Sec'y of War with the recommendation that the order referred to be rescinded so far as concerns the muster out of Capt Felt C S.
Geo W. Balloch Lt Col & C S

War Dept: Bur' R.F &c 
Washington July 6th 1865.
Respty ret'd to Col Brown, calling attention to the above endorsement - As soon as the Secy of War acts in this matter, Col B will be informed of his decision
By command &c 
J.S. Fullerton A.A.G
R'd 9 July/65 & filed

O. Brown Col and Asst Com'r
3 July 1865

Acknowledges receipt of blank "Form of Contract" and states the objections that are made to it - 
- (over)

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