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Hd. Qrs. Bureau R. F & A. L
Richmond, July 24th, 1865.

Respty ref'd to Capt A.S. Flagg A.Q.M. and Supt R. F & A. L Dist No. 1, for investigation and report

By order &c
R'd 23 July and ref'd 24 July 1865.

James F. Scott
21st July 1865.

Applies for a situation in the Bureau

Hd. Qrs. Bureau R. F & A L
Richmond Va 24 July 1865.

Respty forw'd to Maj Genl O.O. Howard Com'r &c &c. Will Genl. Howard please inform me whether he desires that the within named Scott be employed.

R'd 24 July and forw'd 24 July 1865

R.O. Sidney
A.A. Surg. U.S.A.
Norfolk Va
22 July 1865

Requests to be detailed as Medical Officer in the 4th Dist.

Hd. Qrs. Sub Dist at Norfolk
July 23d, 1865.

Having personally known Dr. Sidney for a year past, I most cheerfully recommend him for the position desired. Dr. S. was a Northern man among traitors when the war began, but lost no time in leaving a splendid home and rushing to the support of the old flag. He is thoroughaly sound on the Freedmen question, and I have no doubt would study well the best interests of Negroes and the Nation.

O.L. Mann
Bvt Brig Genl

Hd. Qrs. Bureau R. F & A. L
Richmond, Va 24 July 1865

Respty referred to Capt A.S. Flagg A.Q.M. Supt R. F & A. L 1st Dist. By order &c

R'd 24th July and ref'd 24 July 1865.

Jno Hardie
Lt & A.A 20 N.Y.C.
July 24th, 1865.

Asks that the mounted orderly on duty at Hd. Qrs. Bureau R. F & A. L be relieved as the Regt is to be mustered out.



Hd. Qrs. Bureau R. F & A. L
Richmond Va, July 24th, 1865

Respty ref'd to Col Ed W. Smith A.A. Genl. A mounted orderly is indispensable at this office.

R'd and Rf'd 24 July 1865.

Peter S. Michie
Brev Brig Genl &
Ch Engineers
Richmond, Va

24th July 1865

[[left margin]] Refer Folio 39. [[/left margin]]

Asks for information of Joe Simpson (col'd) late fixer of the Savannah Guards

Hd. Qrs. Bureau R. F & A. L
Richmond Va, 24 July 1865.

Respty referred to Lt. H.S. Merrell, Supt R. F & A.L. Dist No. 3. By order &c

R'd & Ref'd 24th July 1865.

Capt Stuart Barnes
A.Q.M. & Supt &c
Petersburg, Va
23 July 1865

Asks instructions as to the disposition to be made of orphan children

Hd. Qrs. Bureau R. F & A.L.
Richmond, Va. July 24th, 1865.

Respty returned to Capt S. Barnes A.Q.M. &c &c 
It is hoped that arrangements will be made to send all of these children North.

By Order &c

R'd & Ret'd 24 July 1865.

Edward Selas
Warwick, Va
July 20th, 1865.

Application for Land

Newport News Va
July 21st 1865

Respty ref'd to Capt A.S. Flagg, Supt of R F and A.L Dist No. 1.

P.H.O. Berne
Asst Supt of R. F and A.L
Warwick Co., Va

Bureau R.F and A. L
Office Supt Dist No. 1.
State of Va, July 22d, 1865

Respty forwd to Col O Brown Asst Comr Ref &c, approved, for his opinion and advice

A.S. Flagg
Capt & A.Q.M. Supt R. F & A.L
