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O. O. Howard, Commissioner &c

Rd & ford 26th July 1865.

Capt H. E. Alvord Supt &c
Alexandria, Va
22d July 1865

Has moved his Hd Qrs to Alexandria_ Asks instructions in regard to transfer of contraband Tax Fund

Hd Qrs Bureau R.F & AL.
Richmond Va, 26th July/65

Refer 2 Book Folio 196

Respty forwarded to Maj: Genl O.O. Howard with the report, that, unless some official Notice is sent to this Office of such transfers, it will of course prevent full and accurate reports from the Asst: Comr of the State

Rd & forwd 26th July 1865. 

H. E. Alvord Capt & Supt
Alexandria, Va
22d July 1865 

Requests that application be made to the Secy of War for the detail of Hospital chaplain J. I. Ferree for duty in the Bureau - and if assigned to be ordered to report to him
Hd Qrs Bureau R.F & A.L
Richmond Va, 26th July 1865

Respty forwd to Maj Genl O. O. Howard, Commissioner &c - Approved

Rd & forwd 26 July 1865. 

H. E. Alvord Capt & Dist Supt
Alexandria, Va
22d July 1865

Requests that application be made to the Secy of War for the detail of the following officers to report to him_

Capt W. R. Morse 7th V.R.C.
Capt John. O. Dwyer 7th V.R.C.
2d Lt D. J Connolly 7th V.R.C.

Hd Qrs Bureau R.F &c
Richmond Va, 26th July 1865.

Approved_ Respectfully forwarded to Maj Genl O O. Howard, Commissioner &c.

Rd & forwd 26th July 1865.

H. E. Alvord Capt & Supt &c
Alexandria, Va
20 July 1865. 

Reports that the Civil Courts will not receive the testimony of colored people - and asks for instructions in the matter
over - 


Hd Qrs Bureau R.F & A.L.
Richmond Va, July 26th, 1865.

Respty retd to Capt H. E. Alvord Supt &c_
This report should have been made to these Head Quarters_

You will at once nominate a competant officer to adjudicate these cases_ If you have not such an officer, you will consult with your District or Post-Commander and procure the appointment of one_

Send his name, & the boundaries of the Dist, in which you wish him to serve - to these Hd Qrs_ and he will be appointed to adjudicate all cases arising under Genl Order No 2, Par 1, dated Hd Qrs Asst Comr Richmond Va_ July 10th 1865. 

If when this officer is appointed the Civil Courts attempt jurisdiction in violation of the above
named order_ 

You will call upon the Military Authorities to aid you in removing all cases - either between
the Freedmen themselves, or between Freedmen & Whites - from the jurisdiction of Civil Courts_ 

You will cause the arrest and trial before a Military Commission of any Civil Officer that may interfere with the discharge of your duties under this order. 

Full instructions will be sent for your guidance - when the appointment is made.

By order &c

Rd & forwd 26th July 1865.

Col. John Eaton Jr
Washington D.C
17th July 1865

Red Endorsed
Office Supt 5th Dist of Va
Alexandria Va. 23 July 1865.

Respty retd to Col O. Brown Asst Comr,_ No point South of Fredericksburg is in my Dist.
Henry E. Alvord
Capt & Supt. 5th Dist of Va

Refer 1 Book 33

Hd Qrs Bureau R.F &c
Richmond Va., July 26th 1865.

Respty referred to Capt T. F. P. Crandon A.Q.M,
Supt R.F & A.L 4th District_ By order t&c

Rd & fwd 26 July 1865
Refer to 1 Book 33.

Transcription Notes:
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