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the money can be replaced when the Q.M. Dept. has it in hand. By order &c.
Recd & ref'd 3d Augt 1865.

Rev. W.W. Belden
Woonsocket R.I.
July 27th 1865

Applies for position in Bureau R.F. &c &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. &c.
Richmond 3d Aug 1865

Respty ret'd - No appropriation having been made by Congress for this Bureau, it is not in possession of funds for the employment of civilians. By order &c.
Rd and Ret'd 3 Augt 1865.

T.F.P. Crandon
Capt &c
31 July 1865

Inquires if orphans and infirm and decrepit persons can be sent to Point of Rocks Asylum.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. &c
Richmond Va 3 Aug 1865

Respty ret'd - Your can send orphans but not aged and infirm persons.
By order &cc.
Rd & Ret'd 3d Aug 1865.

L.H. Chandler and
W.P. Webster
June 1865
Refr 2d Book 50

Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr.
Richmond Va. 3d Aug 1865

Respty ret'd to Lt. J.H. Keatley who will please forward to Mr. Chandler - inquiring if he will give up this property to the court instead of paying for it - By order &c.
Rd. & ret'd 3 Aug 1865.

Edward Brown
Aug 2d 1865

Statements of ill treatment by Mary V. Dabney of King William Co.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr.
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Richmond Va, Aug 3d 1865

Respty ref'd to Capt. A.S. Flagg Supt of 1st Dist - who will have such cases promptly investigated. By order &c.
Rd. 2d Aug & Ref'd 3 Aug 1865.

Wm. Lambert
Norfolk 31 JUly/65

States that he has been disposed of his fishery and houses pertaining thereto - that the case is now in litigation and asks for a written of the facts so fa as known by Col. Brown. 
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr.
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Richmond Va, Aug 3d 1865

Respty ret'd - This Bureau has no right, or disposition to take possession of, or hold any property that does not legitimately come under its control - By order of
Rd. & ret'd 3d Aug. 1865 -

Wm. Silvey
Alexandria Va.
Aug 1st 1865.

States that he was promised a position as Asst. Supt. in Alexandria Va - Asks that if this is not granted, he may be assigned to duty elsewhere.

Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr.
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Richmond Va, 3 Aug. 1865

Respty ref'd to Lt. Col. Marsh - Supt 5 Dist - Mr. Silvey never rec'd any appointment from this office - But from the character of his credentials was strongly recommended by Col. Brown to Capt. Alvord - If Capt. Alvord promised him, or appointed him to a position - Col. B. trusts you will do what you can for him (Wm. Silvey).

By order &c.
Rd. 3d Augt & Ref'd 3 Aug 1865.

Fred D. Friday
1st Lt 24th U.S.C.T.
Richmond, Va.
July 3d 1865

Applies for a furlough of twenty days.
Approved and respty forwarded.
Charles H. Cox
Capt. 24th U.S.C.T. Comdg Co. B.

Refer 2 Book 110.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr.
Bureau of R.F.& A.L.
Richmond Va, Aug 4th 1865

Respty forwarded.
R'd and forw'd 4 Aug 1865