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by this Bureau-
The Major Gen'l Comd'g has ordered it to be restored to her, but since then has referred it to this office - Stuart Barnes, Capt &c

H'd Q'rs Bureau &c
Richmond Va, 3d Augt 1865.

Respty ret'd to Capt Stuart Barnes A.Q.M &c  This property will be restored to its owner if it does not come under the Head of "abandoned" otherwise, it will be retained in the Bureau
By order &c

Ret'd 5th Augt 1865 -

Samuel Cook 
City Point, Va 
6th July 1865, and 26 June 1865 -

Application for return of his property

[[strikethrough]] Office Depot C.S. [[/strikethrough]]
H'd Q'rs City Point June 27th/65

Respty ref'd to Maj: C. G. Babcock Provost Marshall who will investigate this case and make a report to these H'd Q'rs
By command &c
Lt Col G.W. Hindes
A.M. Stephen, Post: Adjt:

Office of the Pro: Marshal
City Point, July 6th 1865.

Respty ret'd with affidavit of Mr Cook- This house is now occupied by Maj Martin A C.S.
Respty C.G. Babcock, Major P.M.

H'd Q'rs Mil Post, City Pt Va, 7th July 1865

Respty forwd the original application being addressed to Maj: J. M. Howard H'd Q'rs, Dist of the Nottoway
Geo. W. Hindes
Lt Col 96 N.Y. Vols, Comdg Post-

H'd Q'rs Dist of Nottoway
Petersburg Va, 10th July 1865.

Respty refd to Maj Martin C.S. to know if the occupation of this house is a military necessity
By order Maj: Genl Hartsuff
Geo. A Hicks A.A.G


Office Depot CS.
City Point July 11th 1865

Respty ret'd to H'd Q'rs Dist of Nottoway- The House referred to is now occupied as quarters by myself and family.
W. P Martin
Bt Maj & C.S.V.

H'd Q'rs Dist of Nottoway
Petersburg Va, July 12th 1865.

Respty ret'd to Bvt Maj Martin, who must make satisfactory arrangements with the owner or turn over the house of him-  This paper to be returned with report - 
By order of Maj Gen'l Hartsuff
Geo. A. Hicks A.A.G.

Office Depot CS, City P't Va, 13 July 1865.

Respty ret'd to H'd Q'rs Dist of Nottoway- I do not know the claimant Mr Cook but have signified to the Depot Quartermaster here - Capt Dauton, any readiness to vacate the house at any time- He informed me that the property has been turned over to the "bureau of Ref. Freed and aband'd Lands".
W. P. Martin Bvt Maj & C.S.

H'd Q'rs Dist of the Nottoway
Petersburg Va, July 16th 1865,

Respty refd. to Capt Barnes
By order of Maj Genl Hartsuff
Geo. A. Hicks A.A.G.

Bureau R.F &c
Petersburg Va, July 17th/65.

Respty ref'd to Lt Jno Herriot Asst Sup't City P't Va, who will investigate the within case as to the following points (viz) the loyalty of Mr Cook - the value of this property, and if the use of this property is a military necessity or for this Bureau- These papers to be returned with his report Endorsed thereon
Stuart Barnes, Capt &c-

Office Asst Supt &c
City Point Va, 25th July 1865.

Respty ret'd to Capt Stuart Barnes and attention

Transcription Notes:
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