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James River) was one forced upon the Superintendent by the war. Thousands of helpless women and children were to be provided for. No employment could be found for these persons. Hence they were placed upon the farms (as being more healthy for them than camps) to do what they could towards supporting themselves

In order to make the labor of the women and children at all productive it became necessary to employ one man for every fifty acres of land, under cultivation.

No other persons should be employed upon these farms under wages except show overseers as may be necessary.

The instructions that were given at the close of the war should be diligently carried out.

"Force the people from the farms as fast as places can be provided from there, and feed none but the pauper class."

As soon as the number of this class is reduced to the lowest possible figures select such farms as are best adapted for pauper farms, and put these persons upon them. Then have the remaining farms alotted as provided for in the act incorporating the Bureau Sec. 4.

It would be absurd to expect these farms "to pay" with the large class of paupers upon them.

It is better for them to suffer some, than to be cursed by continuing in this dependent state

By order &c
R'd & ret'd 5th Augt 1865

Ann Cruse
Portsmouth, Va
22d July 1865.

Application for the return of property 

Office Asst Supt &c
Norfolk Va 31st July 1865.

Respty ref'd to Capt A.S. Flagg A Q M &c with the information that his property is held for revenue

J.H. Keatley Lt &c

Bureau R.F &c Aug 3d 1865 

Respty ref'd to Col O. Brown &c

A.S. Flagg Capt &c


Hd. Qrs. Asst Com'r &c
Richmond Va Aug 5th 1865

Respty ret'd to Capt A.S. Flagg &c.

If this property was not abandoned, as defined in 2d Section of Act of Congress, approved July 2 1865, it can be restored.

Rec'd & ret'd 5 Augt 1865.

J.M. Pullen
Norfolk, Va
1st August/65

Application for ownership of Property, situated in the City of Norfolk Va, now in charge of Freedmen Bureau 

Office Asst Supt &c
Norfolk Va, Augt 1st 1865.

Respty forw'd with the recommendation that his property is restored seeing that it was transferred by mistake.

Jno H. Keatley Lt &c

Bureau R &c 3d Augt 1865 

Respty forw'd to Col O. Brown &c.


A.S. Flagg Capt &c

Hd. Qrs. Asst Com'r &c
Richmond Va, 5th Augt 1865

Respty ret'd to Capt A.S. Flagg Supt &c, for the evidence that the Secy of the Treasy ordered the surrender of this property.

By order &c

R'd and ret'd 5th Augt 1865.

Elisha R. Johnston
26 July 1865
Norfolk Va

Petition of the return of property

Office Asst Supt &c
Norfolk Va, 31 July 1865.

Respty ret'd to Capt A.S. Flagg with the information that this property is rented to Mr. George Cross and he has paid all the rent due, that he has a crop in the ground.

Mr Cross pays $200 a year rent. There is no doubt of Mrs. Johnson's title but I think it would be unjust to turn Cross away until the expiration of his lease Jany 1st 1866.

J.H. Keatley Lt &c

Bureau R &c Augt 3d 1865.

Respty referred to Col O. Brown Asst Com'r &c and attention invited to the endorsement of

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