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Lt. Keatley, A.S. Flagg Capt &c
Bureau R &c
Richmond Va 5th Aug 65

Respty ret'd to Capt A.S. Flagg &c This property was abandoned and can not be given up. By order &c 

R'd and Ret'd 5th Augt 1865

[[left margin]]
A.S. Watts
Portsmouth Va 
25th July 1865
[[/left margin]]

Application for restoration of property situated in Portsmouth Va, now in charge of Freedmen's Bureau

Office Asst Supt &c
Norfolk Va, 31st July 1865

Respty ref'd to Capt A.S. Flagg A.Q.M &c with the information that this property is held for revenue 
Jno H Keatley &c Lt

Bureau R &c, Augt 2nd 1865

Respty forw'd to Col O. Brown Asst Comr of Va with the opinion that this property cannot be returned except by order of Secy of War

A.S. Flagg, Capt &c

Hd Qrs Asst Comr &c
Richmond Augt 5th 1865

Respty ret'd to Capt A.S. Flagg, Supt &c 


This property was evidently abandoned by the owner. By order &c

'd & rc'd 5 Augt 1865

[[left margin]]
Rev. M. O'Keefe 
Norfolk Va
[[/left margin]]

[[left margin]] Refer Folio 142 [[/left margin]] 

Makes statement of case, and application for land

Office Asst Supt &c
Norfolk Va 2nd Augt 1865

Respty ref'd to Capt A.S. Flagg A.Q.M &c &c approved for the reason that the title to this house and lot was in Mr. O'Keefe & not in Thomas J. Corprew at the time of seizure.
J.H. Keatley Lt &c

Bureau RF &c 2nd Augt 1865

Respty ref'd to Col O Brown Asst Com &c, The construction


construction of Lt Keatley may not agree with the opinion of Atty Genl Speed of July 5th 1865

A.S. Flagg Capt &c

Hd Qrs Asst Com'r &c
Richmond Va, 5th Augt/65

Respty ret'd to Capt A.S. Flagg, Supt &c 

The Govt has possession of the right of Corprew provided the said Corprew abandoned it, as defined in 2nd Sect of Act of Congress, approved July 2nd 1864, and can collect the interest of O'Keefe, but has no right to control the property beyond the right conveyed to Corprew by the deed of trust from O'Keefe. By order &c

R'd & ret'd 6th Augt 1865

[[left margin]]
A.S. Flagg 
Capt &c 
Fort Monroe, Va 
4th Augt 1865
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Calls attention to order restoring steam saw mill on Mulberry Island to its former owner 

Hd Qrs Bureau &c Richmond Va 5 Aug/65

Respty ret'd.

This order has been revoked 

By order &c

R'd Augt 5th & ret'd 6th Augt 1865.

[[left margin]]
P.F. Browne 
Accomack Co, Va 
June 5th 1865 
[[/left margin]]

Petitions for return of property

Hd Qrs Dist Ed, Va. Drummondtown 5th June/65

Respty ref'd to Maj Genl Ord Comdg Dept of Va. 

It is respectfully recommended that the loyal creditors now holding liens on this property, be allowed to enforce their liens. 

This property is not on the record of the Treasury Dept & is consequently entirely under military control. The premises were first occupied in 1861, as a Military Hd. Qrs. and have been so used since that time.

If compensation for such use be allowed, any money paid would under the judgements go to the creditors, all of whom are loyal. It is therefore respectfully recommended that proper compensation be ordered. 

Frank J. White Lieut Col. Comdg

Hd. Qrs. Mil. Div of the James
Richmond, Va 21st June 1865

No military officer can adjudicate questions of 
