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Hd. Qrs. Bureau &c
Richmond Va, 7th Augt 1865 - 
Respty ref'd to Capt A.S. Flagg - Supt - who will investigate and report upon this case immediately
By order &c

Rec'd & ref'd 7th Augt 1865

Stafford G. Cooke
Yorktown, Va
28th July 1865.

Makes application for his property situated in York Co on the road (both sides) between Yorktown and Hampton and about two miles from Yorktown he having been forced to leave it by Gen'l Magruder before it was occupied by the U.S. Forces - Has never been in the rebel army and desires to return to his farm.

Office Asst Supt &c
Yorktown Va, Augt 1st 1865.
Respty forw'd to Capt A.S. Flagg &c - 
The property referred to in this communication is within about two miles of Yorktown on the road leading to Ft. Monroe - In the winter of 1863 & 4 by order of Brig Genl I.J. Wistar a part of it was laid off in acre lots and the negroes invited and some of them forced to move on there and build houses for themselves; about 300 Hundred dwellings were erected under these orders, the Government requiring no rent for the land: two school houses and one small dwelling were also build by the Friends Freedmen's Association of Philadelphia. The balance of the cleared land is leased until 1st Jany 1866 in lots of from 5 to 10 acres to colored persons at a fixed rate per acre - The dwelling house and all the farm buildings were destroyed previous to the occupation of Yorktown by our troops - From all the information I can obtain I have no doubt the statement of Mr Cook in regard to the manner in which he abandoned his property is entirely reliable: previous to the rebellion he was the most influential man in the County and would probably be of great service in reorganizing it - on that account I should be glad to see his property restored to im at the close of the present year, but these colored persons have moved on to it in good faith with the expectation of remaining 


there for some time, it would scarcely be just to compel them to remove so long as the United States retain military possession of the County- If an arrangement can be made between Mr Cook and the occupants, by which they will be allowed to retain possession of their houses and lots upon paying him a reasonable rent of from five to eight dollars per year, without the privelige of cutting wood upon the property, I would respectfully recommend that the farm be turned over to him. at the close of the current year - The land which is under lease can be transferred to him on 1st Jany next without serious inconvenience to any one as the improvements are of but little value- The colored people should of course have the right to remove their dwellings at any time they think proper - The school houses should be permitted to remain free of rent, with the privilege of removal at any time-
E.W. Coffin Capt &c

Bureau R &c 5th Augt 1865
Respty ref'd to Col O. Brown and attention invited to endorsement of Capt E.W. Coffin-
A.S. Flagg Capt &c

Hd. Qrs. Bureau &c Richmond Va. Augt 7th 1865.
Respty retained to Capt A.S. Flagg &c - If this property was abandoned it should be retained by the Bureau, otherwise it may be restored to the owners - By order &c
Rec'd & ret'd 7th Augt 1865.

J.H. Smith 
Eastville Va 
2d Augt 1865

Letter to Lt A.N. Bowman, asking him for a payment of $200 left in his care for him (Smith) by Col White - &c

Petersburg Va Augt 5th/65
[margin note]] Refer 2 Book Folio 180 [margin note]]
Respty ref'd to Col O. Brown Asst Com'r Richmond. to be forwarded to its destination
Stuart Barnes, Capt &c

Transcription Notes:
Rec'd = Received Ref'd = Referred Ret'd = Returned ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-08 21:24:13