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P. S. Evans
Chap'n and A.A.A.G.
Richmond, Va
2d Augt 1865.

Directs that no land be taken up by the Bureau on the ground of deeds being lost_

Bureau R.F &c Augt 5th 1865.
Respty ret'd to Col O. Brown &c_ No property has been seized by me or any of the officers of this Dist on that ground, with my knowledge_ I have taken up such lots and lands only as were clearly abandoned, and on such as I have seized rents have generally been paid to Capt Wilder during some part  of the time of his administration under order of Gen'l Butler, I have used my best endeavors to be careful not to vex the people by unjust action in these cases. I have however required something more than assertion of ownership to establish claims, to  Real estate, before forwarding papers to you to avoid giving property to wrong owners_ I have said that the Registry of Deeds was the only infallible testimony of ownership; but should forward applications to you even if no evidence could be found to establish a claim to the property applied for_ I make this lengthy explanation that you may not labor under the mistake that I have taken up property without good reason
A. S. Flagg, Capt &c

Rec'd Augt 1st/65_ filed_

Rodney Churchill
Asst Supt &c
Gloucester Co
July 28th 1865

Makes statement of condition of affairs in that County

Bureau R &c, Augt 1st 1865.
Respty forw'd to Col O. Brown Asst Com'r &c_ This may perhaps give an idea of affairs in Gloucester Co_ The wants of Mr. Churchill will be supplied  And I think the necessary steps have been taken to obviate any difficulty_
A. S. Flagg Capt &c

Rec'd 3 Augt/65_ filed_

P. S. Evans
A.A.A. Gen'l
Richmond, Va
28th July 1865_

Orders investigation and report on Mrs. Marg't Primer's property at Portsmouth Va

Bureau R &c July 30th 1865.
Respty refd to Lt Jno H Keatley Norfolk Va, who will 


investigate the circumstances of the within named person and her property and report to this office the result_
A. S. Flagg, Capt &c

Office Asst Supt &c
Norfolk Va, 31st July 1865_
Respty ret'd with the request that the statement of facts upon which investigation is ordered be furnished for a basis_
Jno. H. Keatley Lt &c

Bureau R &c, Augt 3d 1865.
Respty ref'd to Col O Brown &c with the request that the original application be forwarded with this paper or the points stated on which investigation is to be made and report made
A. S. Flagg, Capt &c

Rec'd Augt 1865_ filed_

D. W. C. Van Slyck
A.S. Surg USA &c
Point of Rocks
18 July 1865_
Refer 1 Book 116._

Ret'd Endorsed
H'd Q'rs Dept of Va
Richmond Va, 21st July 1865
Respty ref'd to Col J. Simons, Med: Dir for remarks  This paper to be returned
By command Maj Gen'l Turner
A. Terry A.A.G.

Med Dir: Office, Dept Va
Richmond, Va, July 24th 1865
Respty ret'd_ If the Comdg Gen'l so desires a medical officer can be detailed for duty at Point of Rocks_ There is no Hospital Steward in the Dept who can be spared from his present duties
J. Simons Bvt Col U.S.A. Med: Dir:

H'd Q'rs Dept of 
Richmond Va, July 25th 1865_
Respty ref'd to Col J Simons &c who will please furnish the name of a medical officer for this duty
By command of Maj Gen'l Terry
A. Terry A.A.G.

Med: Dir: Office, Dept of Va
Richmond, Va, July 27th 1865.
Respty ret'd_ I have the honor to report the name

Transcription Notes:
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