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J. J. De Lamater 
Surg U.S.V.
Chf Med Off, Bureau &c
10th August 1865

Respty requesting that the within named Medical officer may be detailed to duty in the Bureau &c

H'd Q'rs Bureau &c 
Richmond Va 12th Augt 1865 
Approved and respty forw'd

This Endorsement was cancelled see request being signed by [[?]] Col O Brown &c 
Recd and ford 12th Augt 1865

Clarissa White Eastern Shore of Va
Refer 2 Book 117.

Retd Endorsed Office Chf Med. Officer Bureau R. &c Richmond Va, 10th Augt 1865
Respty retd - A.A. Surg: Kinney had no authority for making a contract of this kind -  The Hospital was run unter the Command Eastern Va; and under the orders of the Med:Dir: of the District - If he needs nurses or other help, he should have made a contract in accordance with regulations, and have sent it to the Med Dir for completion - As he failed to do this he has made himself personally liable for the pay of this person
J.J. De Lamater, Surg &c

H'd Q'rs Bureau &c 
Richmond Va, 12th Augt 1865.
Respty returned to Capt A.S. Flagg &c and attention called to endorsement of Chief Medical officer of the Bureau for Va
By order &c
Recd and retd 12 Augt 1865.

Stuart Barnes Capt &c 15 July 1865.
Refer 3 Book 87.

Ret'd Endorsed. Office Chf Med Officer &c Richmond Va Augt 7th 1865
Respty ret'd - As the command to which this officer belongs had been ordered out of the Department - he cannot be detailed without an order from War Dept and it is understood his Regt leaves the service immediately which will render it impossible to retain him under his commission - Although he is without doubt a valuable officer there would seem not prospect of securing his 


services under the circumstances
J.J. De Lamater Surg &c

H'd Q'rs Bureau &c Richmond Va, 12th August 1865~
Respty ret'd to Capt Stuart Barnes &c calling his attention to the endorsement of the chief med officer of the Bureau for Va
By order &c. 
Rec'd and ret'd 12 Augt 1865~

Fred D Friday 
1st Lt 24 USCT 
3 Augt 1865~

Returned Endorsed 
H'd Q'rs Dept of Va 
Richmond Va 10 Augt 1865
Respty returned - Disapproved
By command of Maj:Gen: Terry
E.W. Smith A.A.G.

Bureau R &c Richmond Va, 12 Augt 1865
Respty ret'd to Lt F. D Friday Co. B. 24th U.S.C.T. attention call to endorsements from Dept Hd Qrs 
By order &c
Recd and Retd 12 Augt 1865

Sue Hawkins 
8th Augt 1865 
Hampton Orphanage

Makes application for transportation for herself and another to Baltimore
Office Supt &c
Fort Monroe Va, Augt 9th 1865 
Respty ref'd to Col. O. Brown to send such transportation as he may feel authorized to give.
A.S. Flagg, Capt &c.
Recd and filed 12th Augt 1865

E.F. Pagette
Sergt of Co. "I"
186th O.V.I
Nashville Tenn.
Augt 7th 1865

Application for recovery of property in the village of Stone Bridge near Winchester, Va.
War Dept - Bureau R. &c. 
Washington, Augt 11th 1865
[[left margin note]] Refer 2.B. 259. [/left margin note]]  
Respty ref'd to Col. O. Brown &c for investigation and report - By order of Maj. Genl. Howard.
Wm Fowler, Capt &c.

Transcription Notes:
First entry was partially written over, transcribed with one unreadable word... ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-10 22:18:49 Edward F. Pagette - Union Sergeant from Ohio Vol. Inf. (O.V.I.) who worked for the Freedmen's Bureau.