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the duty requested within - As soon as one reports to me I will assign him to this duty - J J De Lamater Surg &c

Bureau &c Richm'd, Va, 15 Aug/65
Resptly ret'd to Capt S Barnes &c and attention invited to endorsement of Surg J.J. DeLamater Chf Med Off. Bureau &c
By order &c
Rec'd and ret'd 15 Augt 1865.

E. A. Brown
Capt and CS.
near Richmond Va
August 15th/65

Makes application for a "leave of absence" of (20) twenty days to visit his home in Massachusetts, upon very urgent personal business-
Office Com: of Sub
Richmond Va 16th Aug/65-
Respty forwarded and recommended for the reason adduced- 
Wm. N. Felt 
Bvt Maj & C.S.V.

Bureau R.F &c
Richmond Va Aug 16th/65-
Respty ret'd to Bv Maj W. M. Felt S.C.S.-
His officer has not reported for duty in this Bureau nor has been ordered to report to Bv. Maj. W. N. Felt Sup' CS.
By order &c
Rec'd and ret'd 16th Augt 1865-

John A Strachan
Chesterfield Co

Copy of papers relating to his application for the return of his farm called "Point of Rocks" - furnished him and endorsed as follows.
Head Q'rs Bureau &c 
Richmond Va 16th Augt 1865.
Respty ret'd - The following endorsement has been received in relation to the application viz - (Here follows endorsement of Genl Howard entered in this Book on the 125 page)
delivered Augt 1865-


John B. Dutton 
Waterford -
Loudon Co. Va 
August 9th 1865

States that there are two unoccupied buildings in Leesburg Va, one of which should be secured for the benefit of the colored people
War Dept, Bureau &c 
Washington Aug 12th 1865
Respty ref'd to Col O Brown &c for his information and such action as may be deemed necessary
By order of Maj Genl Howard 
Sam'l S. Taggart A A G

Bureau R.F &c 
Richmond Va 16th Augt 1865.
Respty ref'd to Lt Col J.F. Marsh Sup't 5th Dist who will take the necessary action in this case 
By order &c
Rec'd and ref'd 16th Augt 1865

A.S. Flagg 
Capt &c 
Fortress Monroe Augt 10th 1865

Statement of facts in the case of Wm. Brooks a Mulatto- whose mare has been taken from him by order of Capt E.W. Coffin, Pro: Mar: at Gloucester Co
Bureau R &c 
Richmond Va 16th Augt 1865.
Respty forw'd to Brig: Gen: Hawley - with the request that the "sorrell mare" be returned to Brooks
Rec'd and forw'd 16 Augt 1865.

Richard Bryant Richmond Aug 14th 1865

Complains of ill treatment at Rocketts Landing by an officer in U.S. Uniform -
Bureau R &c 
Augt 15th 1865

[[note]] Refer 2.B.252 [[/note]]
Respty forwarded to Col O. Brown &c with the statement that I am informed that the officer within referred to, is Lieut Varick of the 20th * Regt N.Y.S.M and that the ill treatment of Bryant was witnessed, amongst others by Jas F. Sisson - J.M. Brown, and Richard Forrester - 
H.S. Merrell, Lt &c

Bureau &c Richmond 16th Aug/65
Respty forw'd to Col E.W. Smith A.A.G. Dept of

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-11 19:03:31