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Bureau &c, Augt 14th 1865
Respty forwarded to Col O. Brown to and his attention invited to the action on the enclosed former application of Lucy Taylor and W.V. Taylor and the reason therefor-
A.S. Flagg Capt &c

Bureau Richd Augt 16th/65
Respty forwd to Maj Genl O.O. Howard, Comr &c
Recd 16 Augt and forwd 17th Augt 1865~
James G. Ferree Act Supt &c Alexandria Va 15 Augt 1865
States that a certain house in Alexandria is used by Military authorities as a Hospital - and rend thereof paid to the owner - Said house having been previously occupied by supt of Freedmen becasue of the disloyalty of said owner - 
Endorsed. Bureau R &c Richmond Va, 17th Augt 1865-
Respty retd - Altho the property may not be returned to the owner, when held by the military Authorities, "until the military decide they have not further use of it" the asst comr things rent must be paid by the govt in the case herein stated
By order &c
Recd and retd 17th Augt 1865
O, Brown Col and Asst Comr Richmond Va 8th Augt 1865~
Inquires information in relating to property of Mr Strachan-
Endorsed. Howard Hosptl Aug 12/65
Surg: J.B. Whitcomb informed me that this property was removed by Capt Barnes and Capt Rosekraus on or about the 10th July 1865 - It was taken the same day that Capt Barnes brought the order to Surgeon Withcomb to turn it over to me - A portion of it was the property of Mr Strachan & a portion Hospital property which was there, and is still very much needed here - as it left the Hospital without articles of the kind or gunds to conduct it - 
Capt Barnes saw this paper here yesterday & said that Capt Rosekraus had most of the furniture and if I would send him a list of it he would have it returned - which I have done - a settler near here had purlointed a bedstead, which I have ordered him to return - The following is a list of property taken~
(1) one Melodion (donation to Hosptl)
 1 one  Centre table Mahogany finished
 1 one  dining table Mahogany finished
 1 one  Sofa (Hair) Mahogany finished
 1 one  Wash stand Mahogany finished
 1 one  ward robe Mahogany finished
 2 pine tables 
 1 one office case
 3 chairs
 1 one eight day clock
 4 cows (two since returned)
Lots of pails, green ware, table cutlery, &c, &c
Money $210.00 $ 50 returned
DWC Van Slyck, Act Staffing &c
Recd 15th Augt and filed
Wm Boulware Travellers Rest King and Queen Co Augt 15th 1865
Forwards a woman and children
Endorsed Hd Qrs Bureau &c Richmond Va, Augt 17th 1865
This family is returned - application must be made to the officer of the Bureau in charge of King and Queen Co~ [[Strikethrough]] the Sub Dist - Mr E.H. Noyes, who has the charge of James City and New Kent Counties [[/Strikethrough]]
Recd and retd 17 Augt 1865
T.W.L. Fauntleroy King & Queen Co
States that he has sent with Richmond a colored woman and her two children - who cannot support herself - 
Endorsed Bureau R &c Richmond Va, 17th Augt 1865
There is an officer of the Bureau in charge of Freedmen's affairs in the Co - These people much be taken to him - It is his duty to decide what is to be done -  They are to be sent back from Richmond and the case referred to the proper office - By order &c
Recd and retd 17th Augt 1865.
W. Stover How A.Q.M and Supt. 6 Dist
Estimate of stationery required - 
Enclosed Bureau &c Richmond Aug 18th 1865.
Respty retd to Capt How - approved - Lt H.S. Merrell