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Actg Chr Q.M. Bureau &c &c - will issue on a regular requisition - By order &c
Recd and retd 18 Augt 1865

J.H. McKenzie Winchester, Va Augt 8th 1865
Relating to repairs of church - Establishments of schools &c - 
Endorsed Hd Qrs 6th Dist, Va Staunton 15th Augt 1865 -
Respty forwd to Col: O Brown &c, with a request for instructions - W.S. Howe, Capt &c 

Bureau &c, Richmond VA, Aug 18th/65
Respty returned to Capt W. Stover How, A.Q.M & Supt &c &c - Altho the Bureau would gladly have this property repaired, it is without funds for the purpose - Certainly the Freedmen can do as much as repair the building for the purpose of having a fine school Establishment in it - 
By order &c
Recd and retd 18th Augt 1865
Capt W.S. How AQM &c Staunton, Va 15th Augt 1865
Has made application for detail of officers to Lt Col Clay, Comdg Sub Dist - Staunton - Col Clay - cannot furnish them - 
Enclosed Bureau R &c Richmond Va, Augt 18th 1865.
Respty forwd to Maj Genl Curtis Comdg Dist S.W. Va respty requesting that officers be detailed for duty in the sub-Dists within mentioned
Recd and refd 18 Augt 1865
C.C. Folger Norfolk, Va Augt 18th 1865
Asks that the property of Mr Sylvester be restored to him -
Endorsed Bureau &c, Richmond Va, Aug 18th 1865
Respty retd to Mr Folger - application should be made by Mr Sylvester to Mr Thos. P. Jackson Asst Supt
By order &c
Recd and retd 18th Augt 1865
T.F.R. Crandon Capt &c Gordonsville 15 Augt 1865

Asks permission to send an infirm woman and several orphan children to Point of Rocks
Endorsed Bureau &c, Richmond 18th Aug 1865
Respty retd to Capt T.F.P. Crandon &c - Permission is granted to send in the orphan children - and the old infirm woman with three children all under 6 years of age
By order &c Recd and retd 18th Augt 1865
Martha B. Saunders Norfolk Va, June 8th/65
Refer 2 Book 78
Refer 2 Book 229

Retd Endorsed Office U.S. Dist Atty Norfolk, Va, Aug 11th/65.
With many of the facts stated within I am cognisant, and from the knowledge I have of the parties, have no doubt as to the truth of them all
L.H. Chandler, U.S. Dist Atty.

Norfolk Va, Aug: 13th 1865
Respty retd with the information that the facts set forth in the petition are true but none of them destroy the presumption of giving aid and encouragement to the rebellion - The question of sympathy with these parties must not be regarded so much as that whether the absence of the party was such as to encourage the rebellion
Jno H. Keatley Lt &c

Bureau R &c Augt 16th 1865
Respty forwarded to Col. O.Brown &c and attention invited to the endorsement of Lt J.H. Keatley
A.S. Flagg, Capt &c

Bureau R &c Richmond Va, Aug 18th 1865
Respty retd to Maj: Genl O.O. Howard Comr &c I believe Mrs Saunders could have returned to Norfolk, had she so desired, any time after the Federal Forces took possession of that city - I think her sympathy with the so called confederacy - prevented her doing so, while her voluntary presence with them game "aid and encouragement to the Rebellions" I recommend that the property be retained if it is the policy of the govt to carry out the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved July 2d 1864, and entitled "An act in addition to the several acts concerning intercourse between loyal and insurrection and states and to captured and abandoned property, and the prevention