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Office Asst Supt &c, 14 Aug/65

Respty returned with the information that this man was engaged with his vessel in trading on the James River whilst his family were in Petersburg — I think the property was abandoned
J. H. Keatley Lt &c. 

Augt 16 1865.
Respty refd to Col O Brown &c - A S Flagg Cap &c

Richmond Va, 19th Aug 1865
Respty returned through Capt A. S. Flagg &c.
The application of the petitioner is disapproved
By order &c
Recd and retd 19th Augt 1865.

Thos. C. Sullivan
Chf C.S. Dept Va
Richmond, Va
9th Augt 1865.
Refer 2. B. 299.

Enclosing accounts to Richard Taylor with orders and papers relating to same - 

Richmond, Va, 18 Aug 1865.
Respty forwd to Col. O. Brown &c, cannot an order be obtained to pay the within mentioned Freedmen
H. S. Merrell, Lt &c

Richmond, Va, Aug 19th 1865
Respty forwd to Brig Genl Hawley, Chief of Staff respectfully asking that the Commy Dept be ordered to pay the certificates of R. Taylor and G. Peyton
Recd and forwd 19 Augt 1865.

J. A. Strachan 
Aug 17th 1865. 

Requests furniture at Point of Rocks, be returning to him - Endorsed. 
Petersburg Va, 17 Augt 1865-
Respty refd to Col. O. Brown &c for instructions - The furniture in question is now in possession of Surg. Van Slyck in the house occupied by him at Point of Rocks - 
Stuart Barnes, Capt &c

Richmond Va, 19th Aug 1865.
Respty retd to Capt Stuart Barnes &c, Disapproved 
By order &c 
Recd and retd 19th Augt 1865.


O.O. Howard Maj Genl &c Augt 10th 1865

Reply to Mrs H.O. Halls letter requesting transportation -    Endorsed
Petersburg, Va, August 18. 1865
Respty refd to Col O. Brown &c, with reference to enclosure This lady Mrs Hall has applied to me for transportation - I respectfully request instructions
Stuart Barnes, Capt &c

Bureau of R &c 19 Augt 1865.
Approved and respectfully forwarded to Col James Chf QM &c
Recd and forwd 19 Aug 1865.
H.S. Merrell Lt & C 3 Dist
Refer 2.B.325.
Stone report of Sundry colored [[Strikethrough]] (freedmen) [[/Strikethrough]] Laborers who have not been paid - by T. Coleman, overseer
Richmond, 25th July 1865
Respty refd to Capt A.H. Comstock AQM for information as to why the men within named have not been paid - H.S. Merrell, Lt &c

Asst Q.M office, Richmond Va, 26 July/65. Respty retd to Lt H.S. Merrell Supt &c - with the following information - In compliance with orders from Col J.B. Howard Chf Q.M. Army of the James all Contrabands received nothing but their Rations for services rendered until the 11th day of June 1865 - The within named persons have done no work for me since that time - Coleman was detailed with you while he had charge of Contrabands
A.N. Comstock Capt & AQM

Richmond Va, 18 Augt 1865
Respty forwd to Col O.Brown &c noting endorsements of Capt Comstock,  cannot something be done to secure these men pay for their labor
H.S. Merrell, Lt &c

Richmond Va, 19th Aug 1865.
Respty forwd to Brig: Genl Hawley, Chf of Staff respty asking that the Quarter Masters Dept be ordered to make out proper rolls and pay these men
Recd and forwd 19th Augt 1865

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-11 16:54:05