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By order of Col Brown
(Sgd) P. S. Evans A.A.A.G.

Recd Aug 20th Retd Aug 22d 65

B P Lee
Nr Pryorfield
E. City Co
13th July 65
Refer 2 Book Folio 38

Returned Endorsed

Office Supt 1st Dist Va Aug 5th 1865
Respectfully referred to Lt Robinson asst Supt Newport News for investigation and report
(Sgd) A. S. Flagg Capt &c

Refer 2 Book folio 38
Warwick Co Va Aug 14th 1865
Respectfully returned & referred to Capt A. S. Flagg Supt R.F. & A.L. and report that the estate, referred to in the within communication, having been confiscated it is not advisable to allow Mr Lee to carry away any of the property he asks for.
The property has been advertised for sale but temporarily set aside on account of the Gov't Steam saw mills being on the estate.
(Sgd) Wm L. Robinson 1st Lt &c

Fort Monroe Va Aug 17th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col O. Brown A.C. of Va with reference to Lt Robinson's endorsement.
I think this property should remain as it is for the present.
(Sgd) A. S. Flagg Capt &c

Richmond Va Aug 21st 1865
Respy returned to Capt A S Flagg. This wood will be used for the benefit of the Bureau
By Order of Col O. Brown
(Sgd) P. S. Evans A.A.A.G.

Rcd Aug 21st Retd Aug 22d 1865

E. D. Eacho. "Agent."
Richmond Va
Aug 17th 1865
To John Christian

Notice for obtaining possession of house of Gen'l Edward Johnson & Bro

Richmond Va Aug 19th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Col O. Brown Asst Comr Va for authority to take possession of the within named house, it being the property of a Gen'l Off: in the Rebel Service. The present occupant is a Freedman & I have advised him not to move until the return of this paper with your action.
Sgd H. S. Merrell Lt &c


Richmond Va Aug 21. 1865
Resp'y returned to Lt H S Merrell. If this property is abandoned by its owner as "abandoned property" is defined in Act of Congress app'd July 2d 1864 - you will take possession of it.
By Order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) P. S. Evans A.A.A.G.

Rcd Aug 20th Retd Aug 22d 65

N Wardner
Chaplain &c
Culpepper CH
Aug 11th 1865

Inquires if there are any regulations of the Bureau by which Orphans or children with parents in unknown parts, can be bound out.

Gordonsville Va Aug 18th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Col O. Brown Asst Comr for instructions.
(Sgd) T. Frank P. Crandon Capt &c

Richmond Va Aug 21st 1865
Respectfully returned to Capt Crandon, children cannot be without the consent of their parents.
By order of Col O. Brown
(Sgd) P. S. Evans A.A.A.G.

Rcd Aug 20th Rtd Aug 22d 65

Ellen Lovell
Locust Dale
Madison Co Va

Reports that there are thirty five (35) Negroes on her farm, states that but three of them are able to support themselves, and requests that the Gov't relieve her of the expense and burden of supporting them longer.

Respectfully referred to Chaplain N Wardner agent Freedmans Bureau
(Sgd) G. W. Hindes Lt. Col. &c

Culpepper C.H. Va Aug 14th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Capt Crandon A.Q.M. &c for instructions
(Sgd) N. Wardner, Chaplain &c

Gordonsville Aug 18th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Col O. Brown, for instructions, as this case is similar to a vast number of other in this district I would respectfully request some instructions which will apply to them.
I have previously brought this subject to the attention of the Officers of the Bureau, but at that time recd no reply
(Sgd) T. Frank. P. Crandon
Capt & A.Q.M &c

Richmond Va Aug 21st 1865
Respectfully returned to Capt Crandon. Require of

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-12 09:48:03 "house" not "home" added "over" at bottom of first page Capt "Crandon", not "Clandon" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-12 10:07:49 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-12 11:17:53 Eliminated bracketing of misspelled Culpeper as unnecessary (author's intent was clear). Minimize use of brackets as much as possible. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-12 12:52:53