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182   183

(Sgd) P. S. Evans A.A.A.G.

Rcd Aug 20" Retd Aug 22d 65 

A S Flagg
Capt A.Q.M & Supt etc
Fort Monroe Va
Aug 17" 1865

Transmitting the account of Francis. H. Smith for services rendered &c in the 4th Dist of Negro Affairs

Richmond Va Aug 21st 1865
Resp'y returned to Capt A. S. Flagg_ The bill must be paid from the civil fund.
By order of Col O. Brown
(Sgd) P. S. Evans A.A.A.G.

Rcd Aug 21st Rtd Aug 22d 65 

H. S. Merrell
Lt & Supt District Henrico 
Richmond Va Aug 1865

Sending letters of W. C. Hebner & Maggie, also one to his Grand Mother & Maggie's letter to the Pro' Marshal.

Richmond Va Aug 18th. 65
Respectfully forwarded to Col O Brown Ass't Comr with the information that Hebner has gone to Carters Landing- without my jurisdiction
(Sgd) H. S. Merrell Lt & Supt &c

Richmond Va Aug 21st 1865
Resp'y returned to Lt Merrell, who will quietly arrest the party complained of, and secure the support of the Mother and child if these letters prove to have been written by him 
By order of Col O Brown
(Sgd) P. S. Evans A.A.A.G,

Rcd Aug 21st & Rtd Aug 22d 65

T. F. P. Crandon
Capt A.Q.M. &c
Gordonsville Va
20 Aug 1865

Respectfully asks the detal of Chaplain N Wardner of 96th N.Y. Vols. for duty in his Dist_ by the Dept Hd Qrs.  The Chaplain is already detailed and on duty by order of the Lt Col Comd'g Sub Dist. Endorsed

Richmond Va Aug 22d 65
Respectfully forwarded to Col F. W. Smith A.A. Genl Dept of Va,_ Approved_.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr

Rcd 22d Aug & fowd 22d. Aug 65 

W. V. Taylor
Norfolk Va
14 Aug 1865

In relation to the application of his sister and himself for return of property, hopes it will meet with favorable consideration_

Richmond Va Aug 22d 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Genl Howard -
Commissioner &c. to be placed with other papers on the same subject forwarded to your Hd Qrs Disapproved - 17 Aug't.
(Sgd) O Brown Col & Asst Comr

Recd & forwd 22d Aug 65 

Sarah. U. Winders
per Wm G. Riley Atty
Refer 2. B. 247

Application for restoration of property
Richmond Va Aug 21st 65
Respectfully referred to Capt A S Flagg AQM &c - for investigation and report
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr

Recd 21st Aug fowd 22d Aug 65 

P E Bacon
B. Dam, Hanover Co
1st Aug 1865

Asks to be allowed to send in some helpless Col'd Persons to Richmond - and turn them over to the Government.

Richmond Va Aug 4th 65.
Respectfully referred to Capt. R. McMurray Prov' Mar' Sub Dist South Anna
(Sgd) Albert Ordway Lt Col &c

Louisa C.H. Aug 7th 1865
Respectfully referred to Capt Crandon Supt of Bureau of Freedman &c. for his information.
By order of Bvt Brig Genl Voris 
(Sgd) R. McMurray Capt & Pro Mar

Gordonsville Va Aug 18th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Col O. Brown and information earnestly requested as to what course is to be taken when there are women & children on a plantation whom the employer does not want & who are unable to support themselves.
(Sgd) T. Frank P. Crandon Capt &c

Richmond Va Aug 21st 1865
Respectfully returned to Capt T. F. P. Crandon AQM &c_  He will not allow the Freedmen to be driven from the plantations until definite instructions are received in relation to this subject.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Com

Rcd 21st Aug Retd 22d Aug 1865

William Gibbs
Yorktown Va
July 28th 1865

Requests permission to take possession of his farm in Warwick County

Fort Monroe Va Aug 7" 65
Respectfully referred to Lieut Robinson A.S. R.F & A.L. for investigation and report to this Office

Transcription Notes:
"(Sgd)" = abbreviation for "Signed" AQM, not AZM. Assistant Quarter Master ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-12 09:31:54 Staff--I am curious about the transcriber's placement of both page numbers at the top of the first page, rather than one on each page. Which is preferred? Also, what dictates the proper use of the hyphen versus the underscore? Transcriber used them interchangeably here.