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to give aid and encouragement to the rebellion. (Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Rc'd 22 Aug & Ret'd 23 Aug 1865

Thomas. S. Shippen
Chesterfield Co
19 Aug 1865
on page 438

Applies for possession of this farm in the county of Chesterfield now occupied by Messrs Anderson and Gonch without his permission.

Petersburg Va Aug 21st 1865
Investigation of this case proves as follows. Mr Shippen abandoned his farm in May 1864 on the approach of our army moved with his family to North Carolina. It does not appear that he was actively engaged in the rebellion or aided them beyond the payment of taxes imposed although his proclivities are toward the defunct Rebel Gov't. There is nothing to show except his own statement that a tenant even was left on the place at any rate it was found clearly abandoned last spring.

Two poor white men "Anderson" and "Gonch" squatted on the land putting in a small crop. They have been allowed to remain as tenants of mine until their crops are gathered. On the 17th of August Mr Shippen returned from No' Ca' and immediately ordered off the tenants as per enclosed order. He was respectfully informed that the property was in possession of this Bureau - would be held until the crops were gathered and that he must make application to this Bureau for its restoration.
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt A.Q.M. &c

Richmond Va Aug 22 1865
Respectfully returned to Captain Stuart Barnes A.Q.M &c application of petitioner disapproved. 
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Rc'd 22 Aug & Rt'd 23 Aug 1865

Capt Stuart Barnes 
A.Q.M. Supt &c
Petersburg Va
19th Aug 1865
Refer 2 Book Folio 167

Asks permission to sell certain buildings of no use except for the material as fuel.
Returned endorsed

Petersburg Va Aug 21st 1865
Respectfully returned to Col O. Brown Asst Comr, the buildings referred to are the log huts left in the camps of the two armies. Though built of logs


and of no use to us except for fuel it is impracticable to gather it all in. All lumber in buildings is reserved for the Bureau. The price offered is $1.00 to $1.50 per cord for the estimated am't of wood in such buildings varying in price according to convenience of access. For the information of the Asst Com the Supt would state that there are scattered throughout this Dist very extensive camps. Those easiest of access to market are now being put into merchantable wood but there are camps containing wood which would find ready sale and realize a considerable fund for the Bureau if acted upon now. That the purchasers may improve the Fall roads in gathering it in his early attention is respectfully solicited. 
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt AQM &c

Richmond Va Aug 22 1865
Respy ret'd to Capt Stuart Barnes AQM &c Reserve the wood that will be required by the Bureau - obtain the best offer you can then put it up at auction taking your best offer as a bid
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Rc'd 22 Aug & Ret'd 23 Aug 1865

J.J. DeLamater
Surg. USV
Chf. M'd Office &c
Richmond Va
Aug 18th 1865
Refer 2 Book Folio 139

Respectfully calling attention to the need of quarters for a dispensary in the city for Freedmen.
Returned Endorsed

Richmond Va Aug 19 1865
Resp'y forwarded to Capt H.P. Clinton Post Q.M. with the request that this office be furnished as soon as practicable.
(Sgd) H.S. Merrell Lt. & Supt &c

Richmond Va Aug 21st 1865
Res' forwarded to Bvt Maj Gen'l Turner for instructions and with the information that the Surgeon of the Freedmens Bureau of this Dist has been furnished with an office and that the Gov't has a Dispensary on Cor. 8th & Broad Sts for furnishing medicines to Gov't employees & the destitute of the Dist of Henrico. I respectfully suggest that if the business of the Freedmans Bureau can be done at the Dispensary (8th & Broad) it will save the expense of hiring another building.  
(Sgd) H.P. Clinton Capt & Post Q.M.