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middle of June 1861 soon after Gen Magruder and his army came here, the Dr packed up his trunks and started with his family for Richmond of his own accord.
He left his home with most of his furniture in it with no one to take care of it, He left his fields of corn and grain to be destroyed.
He was not compelled to leave his home as is claimed. One of his servants who has always belonged to him and who accompanied him to Richmond says eighteen (18) servants were taken to Richmond. five (5) of them were hired out to work in a confederate Bakery, and others were employed cutting wood &c, that the Dr had frequently told them "before they should be free he would put them all in a building and burn them up" He says the Dr has continued to practice medicine in both county and city since he went there, and still continues to make it his home. as the property was clearly abandoned I do not deem it advisable to rent it.
(Sgd) C. B. Wilder Capt & AQM &c

Richmond Va Sept 11th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Genl O. O. Howard Commissioner &c, for instructions
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Com

Rcd Sept 10th & Fowd 11th/65

Martha B Saunders
Norfolk Va
June 8th 1865
Refer 2. B. 279. 

Returned Endorsed

Office Supt 1st Dist of Va
August 31st 1865
Respectfully returned to Mr Johnston Asst Supt who will immediately report in compliance with Col. O. Brown's endorsement of 29th inst.
(Sgd) A. S. Flagg Capt & AQM &c

Norfolk Va Sept 5th 1865
Respectfully returned. I am informed that Mrs Saunders has not been pardoned and has taken the amnesty oath
(Sgd) Charles E. Johnston Asst Supt


Office Supt 1st Dist of Va
Sept 6th 1865
Respectfully returned to Col Orlando Brown Asst Comr of Va and attention invited to endorsement of Mr Johnston Asst Supt
(Sgd) A. S. Flagg Capt & AQM &c

Richmond Va Sept 10th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Gen O. O. Howard Commissioner &c with the recommendation that the property of Mrs Saunders should not be restored until she has taken the oath prescribed in the President's proclamation of 29th May 1865.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Com

Rcd Sept 10th & Fowd 11th 1865

H F Woodhouse
Princess Ann Co
Refer 2. B. 376. 

Application for possession of his farm in Princess Ann Co

Office Asst Supt Freedmen &c
Princess Ann & Nansemond
Sept 2d 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Capt A. S. Flagg A.Q.M. Supt Freedmen with report. The Hackwood farm was taken possession of in 1864 at the time of arrest of applicant while at home on leave of absence from the rebel army: who then refused (he says from conscientious scruples) to avail himself of the opportunity of returning to his allegiance to the U.S. Government but on consideration of the condition of his wife and children, they were not disturbed in occupation of house. The Dept collected as rent a share of corn raised on the farm and applicant seeks with restoration of property to obtain release from collection of rent, share of present growing crop_
(Sgd) Thos P. Jackson Asst Supt

Office Supt 1st Dist of Va
September 5th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col Orlando Brown Asst Comr of Va. and attention invited to endorsement of Mr Jackson. This property was from his own

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-14 11:05:04 corrected some mistranscriptions and removed margin notation ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-14 20:54:01