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and Wagons, some blacksmithing tools, chains, harnesses, &c &c beside a large amount of other property scattered through the country."
"This property has been sold in part, including mills and the balance shipped to Richmond by Mr J Knight by the authority of Col John. L. Loomis Treasury aid Richmond. office in custom House."
"There seems to be a conflict of authority between the different Departments."
"The Treasury Dept. appears to claim all confiscated. and abandoned property, and has aids through the county collecting & disposing of all property formerly belonging to the so-called confederate Gov't."
"This conflict of authority has been the cause of great difficulty in collecting property."

Gordonsville Va Sept 14" 1865
Resp'y fow'd to Col Brown for his information,
(Sgd) T.F.P. Crandon Capt & A.Q.M.

Richmond Va Sept 16" 1865
Resp'y returned to Capt Crandon A.Q.M. Supt. &c. It is not the duty of the Bureau to collect this class of property.
Superintendents will make requisition upon the Treasury Agent for such as is required for the use of the Bureau.
By command of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) C.H. Cox A.A.A.G.
Rec'd 16" Fow'd 18" Sept 1865 

O. Brown
Col & Asst Com
Richmond Va
Sept 11" 1865 

Enclosing requisition of Capt Wilder for two Houses, to Capt Flagg, requesting Capt Flagg if he has the articles to spare to transfer them to Cap Wilder
Norfolk Va Sept 13" 1865
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr of Va In my transfer of property to Capt. C.B. Wilder all the Houses in the Peninsula belonging to the Bureau some 249 in no were included 


I have none here save those properly belonging here, and should be at loss to replace them if compelled to make the transfer.
(Sgd) A.S. Flagg Capt & AQM

Richmond Va Sept 16" 1865
Resp'y ret'd to Capt C.B. Wilder A.Q.M. Supt &c cannot houses be selected from those now in your possession suitable for the services required
By command of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) C.H. Cox A.A.A.G.
Rec'd 16" Fow'd 18" Sept 1865

Wm Taylor
Lt & Asst Supt &c
Charlotte Co Va
Sept 13 1865

Reports order of Col O Brown Asst Comr &c directing him to give up the children of Nancy Carrington & Robert Pollard to them and refers the case to Supt 2d Dist for instructions.
Petersburg Va Sept 15" 1865
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Com &c Some months ago Mr Mayo called at my office wishing to indenture these children until of age. he was informed that the Supt has no authority to do it but that he could return the children until further orders. It appears that Mr Mayo freed the parents of the children some eight years ago and they left their children with him. Whom they have not been to see till now. This matter is brought to your reconsideration from the fact that I have seen the children and know their treatment at the hands of Mr Mayo. They are finely clothed, educated, and treated as kindly and well, that unless the Parents are very well to do in the world they are better off as they are.
This case is respectfully submitted for your reconsideration. (Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & AQM &c

Richmond Va Sept 16 1865
Resp'y ret'd The parents are entitled to the custody of their children and if they can support them, the children will be given up to them.
By Command of Col. O. Brown (Sgd) C.H. Coxe A.A.A.G.
Rcd 16 & Fowd 18 Sept 1865