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attended to at once as there are some (3) three thousand dollars involved in favor of the Bureau. &c &c

Richmond Va Sept 18th 1865
Capt Flagg will settle this account at once or be personally responsible.
(Sg'd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Rc'd & Ret'd Sept 18th 1865

D.W. Bohonon
Capt Supt &c
King George Co
Sept 1865

Forwards special Requisitions for stationery for 10th District of Va.

Richmond Va Sept 18th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr Va to know if this officer is in charge of the 10th District
(Sg'd) H.S. Merrell Lt & Supt

Richmond Va Sept 18th 1865
Resp'y returned to Lt Merrell with copies of orders in relation to the 10th Dist. containing the information desired.
By order of Col. O. Brown AC
(Sg'd) C.H. Coxe A.A.A.G
Rc'd & Ret'd Sept 18th 1865

O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr
Richmond Va
Sept 14th 1865

Calls attention to the expenditure of Stationery, and asks, is it not irregular to expend this on abstract "l", should it not appear on abstract "L"

Petersburg Va Sept 14th 1865
Respectfully returned for signatures, and with the information that it is not irregular to expend stationery on "l", This is the only class of Q.M. stores which is expended on its own abstracts never on "L".
(Sg'd) Stuart Barnes Capt & A.Q.M
Rc'd Sept 17th 1865 & Filed 

O. Brown
Col & Asst Com'r
Richmond Va
Sept 14th 1865

Inquires as to the transfer of property in this district (2'd Dist of Va)

Petersburg Va Sept 14th 1865
Respectfully returned to H'd Q'rs Asst Com'r
No Q.M. stores have been transferred to Asst Supt in this district with the exception of


(1) one horse & equipments to Lt Herriott in July, which same was turned in by him to Depot Q.M. on his being relieved.
(Sg'd) Stuart Barnes Capt AQM &c
Rec'd Sept 17th 1865 & Filed

O.O. Howard
Maj Genl & Com'r
Sept 16th 1865

Forwards transportation for Miss Phebe Ann Pharo Miss M.E. Ellison & colored Servant "Ellen" from City Point to Philadelphia Pa.
Forwarded to Capt Stuart Barnes Supt 2'd Dist Sept 19th 1865

Stuart Barnes
Capt & AQM
Petersburg Va
Sept 9th 1865

Refer 2.B.319.

Refer 2.B.418.

Returned Endorsed
Washington Sept 16th 1865
Respectfully returned through Col. O. Brown to [[strikethrough]] Capt [[/strikethrough]] Capt Stuart Barnes A.Q.M.. Transportation can only be furnished to such refugees as are actually dependent upon the Government to points where such where such assistance will be rendered unnecessary.
By order of Maj Genl O.O. Howard
(Sg'd) Sam'l. L. Taggard A.A.G.

Richmond Va Sept 19th 1865
Respectfully returned to Captain Stuart Barnes Supt &c and attention invited to the endorsement of Genl Howard.
(Sg'd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Rc'd & Fow'd Sept 19th 1865

V.W. Harrison M.D.
Petersburg Va

Forwards Estimate of Hospital Supplies for the Q'r ending Sept 30th 1865
Forwarded to Surg J.J. DeLamater chf Med Officer on the 19th September 1865

J.B. Whitcomb
Surg 11th C.V.
City Point Va

Forwards Estimate of Medical Stores for Q'r ending Dec 31st 1865
Forwarded to Surg J.J. DeLamater chf Med Officer on the 19th Sept 1865