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is located in Portsmouth. and is rented at seven dollars per month,
(Sgd) Charles, E, Johnston Asst Supt

Norfolk Va Sept 15th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col O Brown Asst Comr of Va.
(Sgd) A. S. Flagg Capt & AQM
Rcd Sept 10th 1865 & Filed

Property restored by S.O. No. 48. Par. I. dated Hd Qrs Asst. Com'r State of Va Richmond Va. Sept 6th 1865

Edward S Joynes 

Forwarding copies of letters of Sec' of the Treasury in relation to his property, also official copies of Endorsements by Genl Howard on previous
application &c &c.
Sept 4th 1865
Respectfully forwarded for instructions, & for the information of commanding officer Dist No. 1. The papers were presented to  me - not being the proper officer, I requested copies to forward - to act by your instructions.
(Sgd) Wm P. Lord Asst Supt

Norfolk Va Sept 12th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr of Va, with the information that this place "Montpelier" was turned over to me by the Special agent of the Treasury E. Hartley in the latter part of July, evidently through error, I would recommend that it be given up,
(Sgd) A, S, Flagg Capt & A.Q.M. &c.

Rcd Sept 14th 1865 & Filed

Property restored by S.O. No 58 dated Hd Qrs Asst Com'r State of Va, Richmond Va  Sept 18th 1865

Saml L Taggard
A.A. Genl
Wasington. D.C. 
Sept 15th 1865

Forwards an Extract of Special order No 227, from Hd Qrs Dept of Washington, detailing 1st Lieut Sidney B Smith, V.R.C. to report to Supt 5th Dist of Va. &c
Washington Sept 16th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr at Richmond Va for his information. 
By order of Maj Genl Howard
(Sgd) Saml L. Taggard A.A.G,

Rcd Sept 19th 1865 & Filed

O. Brown
Col & Asst Com'r &c
Richmond Va
Sept 8th 1865
Refer 2. B, 329.

Returned Endorsed
Richmond Va Sept 16th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r Va, in accordance with the suggestion of the Chief Q.M. Dept Va. for approval of the Secy of War,
(Sgd) H, S, Merrell Lt. &. Supt &c

Rcd Sept 16" &. Filed

Benj Wentzell
Harpers Ferry Va 
Sept 10th 1865,

Applies for the restoration of property consisting of a house in Harper Ferry Va, and a house in Bolivar Va.

Washington Sept 12th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr of Va, with authority to restore the within property subject to the requirements of Circular No. 3. from this Bureau.
Present lessers are to be allowed to retain possession until expiration of their leases, and nothing in the order of restoration is to be construed as giving any claim for rents or damages which have accrued.
By order of Maj Genl O. O. Howard
(Sgd) Wm Fowler A,A,G,

Recd Sept 15th 1865 & Filed

Property restored by S.O. No. 56. dated Hd Qrs Asst Com'r State of Va Richmond Va Sept 15th 1865

O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr
Richmond Va 
Sept 8th 1865

Suggests the propriety of returning all Freedmen of the pauper class to the counties to which they belong, and taxing each county to support its own paupers.

Washington Sept 14th 1865
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr &c. Such a plan as you propose would be very desirable if the Bureau had the power to levy any such tax, which of course it has not, would each county now levy and collect such

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