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I cannot learn that the depredations mentioned within have been committed certainly not with any sanction. To save issuing "cord wood" to the colored people. I have always allowed them, with the full sanction of every Gen'l commanding this post, to get the "broken" and "downwood" on abandoned and confiscated lands, for their necessary use, only, never to cut a tree without a written permit, and, that very seldom. I append a copy of Lt Hawks order, which you will perceive differs very materially from the statement within.

"All persons are positively forbidden cutting wood on any of the abandond lands in this co. no fallen timber will be taken off unless by permission from this office, any violation of this order will be severly punished. Also no buildings or ornamented trees will be destroyed". This order was withdrawn as oppresive and unnecessary for it compelled persons to come from six to ten miles at least to get a permit to pick up a single load of "down wood" while there are thousands of cords in nearly all these forrests, rotting upon the ground. Mr Winder's place is confiscated and rented out to Freedmen. I infer from what I learn of him, that he is of the Gen'l Winder Stripe, and is determined to pick a quarrel with me or the Bureau, certainly had he conducted himself as a gentleman during his interview with me, the results might [[strikethrough]] might [[/strikethrough]] have been more satisfactory to himself.
(Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt & AQM &c

H.S. Merrell
Lieut & Supt &c
Richmond Va
Oct 6" 1865

Requests that a Waggon be furnished to Ellen Fisher a poor destitute colored woman. to move from 1st & Franklin Sts to Lower part of city. to report to his office tomorrow morning,
Richmond Va Oct 6" 1865
Approved. Respectfully forwarded to Col James Chief Quarter Master.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Rcd & Fows Oct 6" 1865

P.F. Schilicker
Oct 4 1865
Importunes favorable notice in sending his papers and order for his repossession of his ruins the Norfolk Oil Co. States he can't find his papers through Capt Flagg refers him to Mr Johnston & he to Col Brown.
Richmond Va Oct 6" 1865
Respectfully returned, the papers within referred to were forwarded to Capt Flagg A.Q.M. & Supt Aug 11" 65 for investigation and report. as soon as your papers are received with Capt Flagg's report they will be acted on without delay.
By order of Col Brown.   (Sgd) James A. Bates A.A.A.G.
Rcd & Retd Oct 6th 1865

Stuart Barnes
Capt & AQM &c
Petersburg Va
Sept 30th 1865
Refer 2.B.489

Requests the A.A.G. Mid Dept to cause the arrest of B.F. Townley, Brockwayville, Jefferson.Co.Pa. formerly on duty in this Bureau. and accused of selling a large amount of rations in his carge and converting the proceeds to his own use.
Richmond Va Oct 6 1865
Respectfully fowarded to Major General Howard Commissioner &c.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr &c
Rcd & Fowd Oct 6th 1865

Stuart Barnes
Capt & A.Q.M &c
Petersburg Va
Sept 9th 1865
Refer 2.B.418

Returned Endorsed
Petersburg Oct 2d 1865.
Respectfully referred to Mr Clayton Asst Supt City Point for information called for by Col Brown  (Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & AQM

City Point Oct 4th 1865
Respectfully returned to Capt Barnes A.W.M. Supt 2d Dist. These people are actually dependent on the Government for assistance to get to their homes. They are unable to furnish their own transportation. The most of them have been in the Government sercie. and have exhausted their means in providing for the wants of thier families. No rations are issued. In compliance