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Chas W. Buttz
Norfolk Va
Oct 7th 1865. 

Recd Oct 10th 1865.
In relation to the order for J. Cook. to turn over to Lambert, all property that belonged to him, - makes this comparison,
"If I rent a house or "A" (the Government) and move in "B's" house, I cannot see what authority "A" could have to order me to gov't "B's house."

Richmond Oct 10th 1865.
Friend Butts - never mind the "House" Mr "A" or even Mr "B" - Cook claimed a certain Fishery as belonging to the "Bradford Fishery" which he had rented from the Bureau.
On examining the case I found Mr Lambert's claim just. If Cook has the order you mention, it was given him, on the ground, that he claimed as having rented of the Bureau, property that was not in its possession.
The order for restoration would of course relieve the Bureau of all complicity in the matter
(Sgd) O. Brown. Col & Asst Comr

Retd Oct 10th 1865. 

Christopher. G. Calo.
Asst Supt &c
Abington Va
Sept 18th 1865. 

Recd Oct 9th 1865.
Forwards statement of Mr Webb relative to property now in his possession, and which he wants to purchase, it being connected with his lands. "Would it be proper for me to have the property appraised by a Board, and then sell it at auction."

Wytheville Oct 4th 1865
Resp'y forwarded to Col O Brown Asst Comr Richmond Va asking for instructions.
(Sgd) B. C. Carter Capt & Supt

Richmond Oct 10th 1865
Respectfully returned Disapproved.
The Bureau has no authority to sell Real Estate.
By order of Col, O, Brown
(Sgd) H. B. Scott Ins Gen'l

Retd Oct 10th 1865. 


Francis Link
Aug 17th 1865

Recd Back Oct 10th 1865.

Petersburg Va Aug 21st 1865
Respectfully returned to Mr Watkins through Mr Link Supt Saw Mills with reference to endorsement of Col Brown Asst Comr.
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & AQM
Enclosed with the following letter of A. H. Drury Admr &c }

A. H. Dreury Admr 
of E. O. Watkins
Petersburg Va
Sept 11th 1865
Refer 2. B. 530.

Requests that Saw Mill be restored to him and compensation made for timber used from his lands.

Petersburg Va Sept 14th 1865
Respectfully referred to Mr Link Supt of Saw Mills who will carefully investigate and report this case in connection with the application of Mr Drury Admr,
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & AQM

Mr Link reports that he has "investigated the case of A. H. Dreury Admr of E. O. Watkings and have ascertained that his statement does not fully agree with such information as I can gain. In the first place the Mill was abandoned, second all the loose Machinery was thrown down the well. by whom I cannot ascertain, perhaps Mr Moody the former superintendent of the Mill can throw some light on the subject. I have not been able to see him not knowing his whereabouts_ Judging from all information I can gain I cannot agree with Mr Dreury that the Mill was burned by the Federal Troops. There are far different reports about it. The first that the Mill was burned by order of E. O. Watkins  Second that it was burned by Rebel Scouts_ Third by fire from the woods which was burned over about that time. Fourth by Federal Troops_ according to the best information I can gain the third report is the most reliable, that the Mill was burned by fire from the woods. but it is very evident that the mill might have been saves, had

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