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from War Dept dated July 26. and approved by the President - The house on Bute St was also confiscated - and turned over by the same order - but the decree of confiscation has been dismissed in this case as per statement of clerk of Dist Court. The other property has not been libelled. 

I have taken the ground that before the property can be restored, the decree of confiscation must be dismissed, but Tazewill Taylor Esq counsel for Mr W Taylor asserts that we can surrender our claim and allow the decree of confiscation to remain, - It seems evident to me that as long as property remains under a decree of confiscation the rents must be received by Gov't and I respectfully submit the case to the Asst Com'r - Taylor Farm, one of the tracts applied for, is now occupied by about one thousand colored people. They say, they have been promised land to cultivate for themselves, and if turned off at present much suffering must exist, but the Asst Com'r is perfectly familiar with these facts.

The stores on Main St are occupied as stated in application of Petitioner, and together yield a revenue of two Hundred and fifty dollars per month to the Bureau. The store occupied by Rugby yields $50.- The house No 26 Catherine St is occupied as offices by the Asst Supt and Provost Marshal. The buildings foot of Main Street are occupied Qr Mater as stables, and are not yet under control of Bureau but are to be soon turned over. The other buildings yield no revenue to the Bureau.
(Sgt) Chas E. Johnston Asst Supt

Norfolk Oct 6th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr of Va, and attention invited to endorsement of C. E. Johnston Asst Supt. The views of Mr Johnston accord with those held by myself.
(Sgd) A. S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M. &c

Richmond Oct 10th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Major General Howard commissioner &c for instructions. Can the Bureau restore property which has been libelled in the U.S. Courts and against which a decreed of condemnation has been entered but which has not been sold under the decree.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Com'r

Fowd Oct 11th 1865.

L Ellison 
Hampton Va
Oct 9th 1865

Recd Oct 11th 1865.
States that a certain saw mill was removed from his land in June 1864 and since taken possession of by Bureau  said mill has undergone some repairs by the Gov't. therefore that a fair and equitable adjustment of his claim upon said mill may be obtained - proposes to submit his claim to arbitration - The Bureau to select one man. He to select one, and the two men so selected, to select a third. to act together as a court. to hear all evidence, and determine how much he shall pay and take the mill or how much the Bureau shall pay him and keep it.

Fort Monroe Oct 9th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r &c approved for direction.
(Sgd) C. B. Wilder Capt & A.Q.M.

Richmond Oct 11th 1865
Approved - Capt Wilder will please act in this matter: the papers to be returned with the decision of the Referees to these Head Quarters for approval.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) H. B. Scott Ins Gen'l

Retd Oct 11 1865.

Stuart Barnes
Capt & A.Q.M.
Petersburg Va
Sept 30th 1865

Recd Oct 11 1865.
Requests that Capt Folsom Chief Q.M. Dist Nottoway transfer to him four (4) ambulances to him for use of the Bureau

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