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Jas. N. McAlpine
Princess Ann co
Sept 4th 1865

Recd Oct 5th 1865.
Applies for restoration of his property
Norfolk Sept 11th 1865.
Respectfully forwarded to Capt A.S. Flagg A.Q.M. Supt &c with report. Dr. McAlpine has resumed practice of medicine and occupies house on the farm by order from Dept Hd Qrs and asks assurance of full restoration of the lands for the purpose of making necessary arrangements for cultivation of the farm next year.
(Sgd) Thos P. Jackson Asst Supr

Norfolk Va Sept 26th 1865
Respectfully referred back to Mr Jackson for proof that Mr McAlpine does not come under any of the exceptions in the Presidents Proclamation of May 29th 1865. It is not sufficient that he does not come under the twenty thousand dollar clause.
(Sgd) A.S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M.

Norfolk Va Sept 29th 1865
Respectfully returned to Capt A.S. Flagg. A.Q.M. &
Supt R.F. & A.L. with reference to affidavit of Dr James N. McAlpine that he does not come within any of the classes excepted in the Proclamation of Amnesty May 29th 1865.
(Sgd) Thos P. Jackson Asst Supt

Norfolk Oct 2d 1865
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown A.C. of Va with Guidance enclosed required.
Filed (Sgd) A.S.Flagg Capt & A.Q.M.

Property Restored by S.O. No. 71. Par I dated Hd Qrs Ass't Comr's State of Va Richmond Va Oct 6th 1865

Van. N. Levers
Private 2d Pa. Vt Arty
Richmond Va
Oct 7th 1865

Rec Oct 10 1865
Requests that his name be borne on the volls for extra pay. states that he is necessarily under expense for board, washing, &c and asks to receive forty cents per day extra to meet these expenses.
Richmond Va Oct 11th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Lieut Merrell who will please put the within  named Van N Levers on the rolls for the same extra pay as is allowed detailed clerks at Dept Head Qrs. By order of Col. O. Brown
Fowd Oct 12th 1865.  (Sgd) James A.Bates A.A.A.G

H.B. Scott
Lt Col & Ins Genl
Richmond Va
Oct 4th 1865

Recd Oct 9th 1865
States that complaints are made that Freedmen living at Bermuda Hundred all living a vagrant life and plundering the planters in the neighborhood.
Petersburg Va Oct 7th 1865
Respectfully referred D Hd Qrs Asst Com'r These is not one word of thruth in these reports. The Freedmen at Bermuda Hundred are mostly at work for the Supt of this Dist cutting wood from the old buildings. There are more depredations committed by the whites there on Gov't property, than by the blacks on this property.
Filed (Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & AQM &c

John M. Gregory
Gloucester C.H.
Sept 28 1865

See page 477
Richmond Va Oct 9th 1865
Respectfully referred to Capt. C.B. Wilder who will please report whether the enclosed order was issued by any of his agents and if so whether it was by his authority. Immediate steps should be taken to disabuse the minds of the planters that any such irregular or novel proceedings will be initiated by the Bureau - at the same time those who have employed the freedmen should be required to render just compensation for their services  (Sgd) O.Brown Col & Asst Com'r
Fowd Oct 12 1865

Lemuel Dumphrey
Norfolk Va

Recd Oct 7th 1865.
Applies for restoration of property