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celebrate the marriage rite the officiating person being in the other respects properly qualified
I have not heard from the application to Gen'l Terry.
Retd Oct 12th 1865.   (Sgd) O. Brown Col and Asst Comr

C.G.G. Paine
Fort Monroe Va
Oct 9th 1865.

Recd Oct 12th 1865.
States that he renews his application for a school house &c &c. Inquire if the Gov't will furnish wood for the schools as heretofore.
Fort Monroe Oct 10th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown with the recommendation that the within request be granted and ordered.
(Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt and a.q.m.
Richmond Va Oct 12th 1865
Respectfully returned to Capt Wilder with reference to instructions from these Head Qrs of this date.
By order of Col. O. Brown
Retd Oct 12th 1865   (Sgd) James A. Bates A.S.A.C.

O.O. Howard
Maj Gen Com'r
Oct 4th 1865

Recd Oct 9th 1865
"Circular Letter"
"State laws with regard to apprenticeship will be recognized by this Bureau provided they make no distinction of color, or, in case they do so, the said laws applying to white children will be extended to the colored. Offices of this Bureau are regarded as guardians of orphan minors of freedmen within their respective districts.
The principle to be adhered to with regard to paupers is that each county, parish, township or city shall care for and provide for its own poor.
Vagrant laws made for free people and now in force on the statute books of the States embraced in the operations of this Bureau will be recognized and extended to the freedmen.
Assistant Commissioners will draw up specific instructions applicable to their respective States in accordance with the foregoing principles.
Richmond Oct 12th 1865
Respectfully forwarded for the information and guidance of Superintendents and agents of the Bureau - The state laws on these points being so clear as to need no interpretation.
No other instructions than those contained in the circular are necessary. Questions involving any difficulty will be forwarded as they arise to the Asst Com'r for his decision.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col and Asst Com'r
Four copies of above circular letter (one of which was endorsed as above) were sent to each Superintendent.

Clara W. Skinner
Staunton Va
Sept 20th 1865.

Recd Oct 10th 1865.
Applies for restoration of house and lot in Norfolk City
Washington Oct 7th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr &c. Richmond Va with instructions to restore the within described property.
By order of Maj Gen'l Howard
(Sgd) Wm Fowler A.A.G.
Retd to Washington D.C. with copy of order restoring property. Oct 12th 1865.
Property Restored by S.O. No 76. Par.I dated Head Quarters Asst Comm'r State of Va. Richmond Va. Oct 12th 1865.

R.S. Lacy
Capt and A.Q.M
Oct 6th 1865.

Recd Oct 12th 1865.
Requests leave of absence for ten days to visit his home and property in and near Washington D.C.
Richmond Oct 12th 1865.
Approved. Respectfully forwarded to Col. Ed W. A.A.G.
Fowd Oct 13th 1865.   (Sgd) O. Brown Col and Asst Com'r

M.J. Joyce
Co. I. 188th Pa Vols
Oct 4th 1865.

Recd Oct 12th 1865.
States that Fred A Reen Capt and acting Provost Marshal Sub District Danville Va on a trivial provocation ordered a Freedwoman to be tied up by the thumbs : asks an investigation of the affair