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(Sgd) James, A, Bates A.A.A.G.
Retd Oct 16th 1865,

D. J. Godwin
Portsmouth Va
2. B. 580.

Recd Oct 16th 1865.
Applies for restoration of property.

Norfolk Va Oct 11th 1865,
Respectfully referred Mr Jackson with the request that he will report concerning condition of Godwin farm. so that I may endorse respecting balance of property.
(Sgd) Charles, E, Johnston Asst Supt

Norfolk Va Oct 12th 1865,
Respectfully returned to Mr Chas. E, Johnston Asst Supt &c. with report that Godwin farm is cultivated by Dep't, All houses on the place - save one - are Gov't property, Crop can be removed within the usual time,
(Sgd) Thos P, Jackson Asst Supt

Norfolk Va Oct 12th 1865,
Respectfully forwarded. The applicant has received a special pardon, which I have seen dated July 3d 1865,
The property known as "Godwin farm" was confiscated and turned over to the Bureau by an order from War Dept approved by the President. It is the only lands assigned to this Bureau in Norfolk. Co outside of the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth. The decree of confiscation as will be seen by certificate enclosed has been dismissed. The balance of the property is rented.
(Sgd) Charles. E, Johnston Asst Supt

Office Supt. 1st Dist of Va Oct 13th 1865.
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r of Va, for orders.
(Sgd) A. S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M. &c

Richmond Va Oct 16th 1865.
Respectfully returned a copy of the Amnesty oath must accompany this application to be filed,
By order of Col, O, Brown
(Sgd) H. B. Scott Ins Gen'l

Retd Oct 16th 1865,

Max Woodhull
Oct 12th 1865,
2. B. 585.

Recd Oct 15th 1865,

States, that "complaints have been made at this Bureau that a part of the house of Jesse W Graham, at Harpers Ferry Va, whose property was restored to him by S.O. No. 49. Aug 17th 65 from this Bureau, is occupied as a store by one George Coombs contrary to the wishes of the owner." &c &c
"You will please investigate this matter as soon as practicable, and take such measures as will ensure Mr Graham full possession of his property, providing it can be done without infringing upon the rights on any third party holding a lease upon the same authorized by this Bureau."

Richmond Oct 16th 1865.
Respectfully referred to Capt How for compliance with the instructions herein contained. This paper to be returned with action noted.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) H. B. Scott Ins Gen'l

Fowd Oct 16th 1865.

C B Wilder
Capt & A.Q.M.
Fort Monroe Va
Sept 30th 1865.
Refer 2. B. 487.
Refer 2. B. 541.

Recd Back Oct 16th 1865,

Fort Monroe Va Oct 13th 1865,
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr &c State of Va. with the following report.
Previous to the establishment of the Bureau &c, all funds for payment of laborers in the Negro affairs Dept. were drawn from the Q.M. Dept. and all laborers were rated as employees in the Qr Mr Dept and returns were made to the office of the Qr Mr General,
The duty performed was as follows. to wit: Asst Supts. Clerks in office: Teamsters. Laborers on Saw Mill. wood choppers. log cutters. and hands employed on Gov't farms.
(Sgd) C. B. Wilder Capt & A.Q.M &c

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