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Norfolk Va Sept 30th 1865
Respectfully forwarded. The applicant has complied with all the conditions in Gen'l order No.19. The house is rented to Mr [[Hennick]] at $20.00 per month.
(Sgd) Charles E. Johnston Asst Supt

Office Supt 1st Dist of Va
Oct 3rd 1865
Respectfully returned. The evidence of ownership is insufficient.
(Sgd) A.S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M &c

Norfolk Va Oct 7th 1865
Respectfully returned with certificate of ownership asked for enclosed.
(Sgd) Charles E. Johnston Asst Supt

Richmond Va Oct 16th 1865
Respectfully returned for a certificate that the libel has been dismissed
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) James A. Bates A.A.A.G.
Ret'd Oct 17th 1865

Albert Ordway
Pro Mar Genl
Richmond Va
Sept 21st 1865

Rec'd Oct 16th 1865
"Geo. P. King Fredericksburg Va"
"You are hereby authorized to take possession of the Saw Mill formerly owned by you and seized by the rebel government. filing in this office proper affidavits of its ownership".
Richmond Sept 30th 1865
The affidavits within required having been filed in this office. Mr King has permission to take possession of his mill.
(Sgd) Albert Ordway Pro Mar Gen'l

Hd Qrs Va Sept 30th 1865
Mr King's statements may be depended upon I know something of him personally & from others. He is vouched for by all in Fredericksburg as a highly respectable truly Union man. I am satisfied the he is 


fairly entitled to the engine in question
I recommend him to Col Brown
(Sgd) J.R. Hawley Brig Genl &c

Richmond Va Oct 17th 1865
Capt Barnes A.Q.M. & Supt Freedmens Bureau will deliver this mill to Mr King, taking therefor a receipt and holding this order as authority for such action.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & asst com'r
Above papers forwarded to G.H.C. Rowe Esq Fredericksburg Va Oct 17th 1865

Stuart Barnes
Capt & A.Q.M &c
Petersburg Va
Sept 30th 1865
Refer 2.B.491

Rec'd Back Oct 15th 1865
Richmond Va Oct 13th 1865
Respectfully returned to Col O. Brown asst comr &c with the information that while the Qr Mr Dept. desires to further the interests of the Bureau of R.F. & A.L. and render all the assistance it possibly can. Yet in view of the recent great reduction made in the means of transportation &c it is utterly impossible for the Dept to comply with the within request.
(Sgd) Wm.L. James Col & Chief Qr Mr

Richmond Oct 16th 1865
Respectfully returned attention invited to endorsement of Col James.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) H.B. Scott Ins Gen'l 
Ret'd Oct 17th 1865

Carrington's & wives
Agnes Peters (col'd)
William Tyler (col'd) 

Rec'd Oct 16th 1865
Copies of Deeds Carrington's to Agnes Peters and Agnes Peters to W. Tyler
Richmond Va June 3rd 1865
Respectfully forwarded with the suggestion that the whole matter be referred to the superintendent of negro affairs for investigation and action.
(Sgd) W. Kreutzer Lt. Col. & Pro. Mar

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-21 18:24:37