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538   539
Richmond Va Oct 17 1865.
Respectfully forwarded to Col James Chief Qr Master Dept of Va.
This property with other at City Point not required for Military purposes was ordered to be turned over to the Bureau by the Sec of War. (Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Com'r
Fowd Oct 18th 1865.

Stuart Barnes
Capt & AQM &c
Petersburg Va
Oct 13t 1865

Recd Back Oct 18th 1865.
Washington Oct 16th 1965.
Respectfully returned. If specific applications made by responsible parties in the north requesting the assignment of Freed labor are received. and the applicants will agree to take the families of the freed people employed by them as well as the serviceable hands. and that such as may be transported north shall not come on the Bureau for support.
The Bureau will furnish the necessary transportation 
By order of Maj Gen'l Howard Commissioner
(Sgd) Max Woodhull A.A.G.

Richmond Va Oct 18 1865.
Respectfully returned to Capt Stuart Barnes A.Q.M. & Supt &c. attention invited to endorsement from Maj Genl Howard.
By order of Col. O. Brown   (Sgd) James.A.Bates A.A.A.G.
Retd Oct 18th 1865.

Wm B. Brokaw
Capt & Asst Instp
Oct 11th 1865.

Recd Oct 18th 1865.
Reports that the owner of the warehouse used by him as Hospital. wished rent for the same. and says that Capt Gerrish Dist Qr Mr will pay the amount, if requisition for it is approved by the proper authority.
Gordonsville Oct 16 1865.
Respectfully forwarded to Col. O. Brown asst Commissioner for instructions as to whether requisition shall be made for the building as suggested by Capt Brokaw.
(Sgd) R.F.P. Crandon Capt & a.q.m.

Richmond Va Oct 18th 1865
Respectfully returned. How came this building in your possession.
By order of Col O. Brown  (Sgd) James.A.Bates A.A.A.G.
Retd Oct 18th 1865.

HS Merrell
Lieut & Supt &c
Oct 18th 1865.

Recd Oct 18th 1865.
Requests transportation for Amy Washington (Col'd) to Charleston S.C. Her husband who was a member of Co. "E" 32nd Reg't U.S.C.T. brought her from Hilton Head he was taken sick and died.
Richmond Va Oct 18th 1865.
Respectfully returned. disapproved.
By order of Col. O. Brown    (Sgd) James A.Bates A.A.A.G.
Retd Oct 19 1865.

E.J. Maddox
150 Penn Avenue
Washington D.C.
Oct 6th 1865.
Refer 2.B.512.

Recd Back Oct 18th 1865.
Richmond Oct 17th 1865.
Resp'y returned to Col O. Brown Asst Com'r for information as to who these children were living with. when last heard from. and who was this former Master, as I cannot find them on so indefinite a description.   (Sgd) H S Merrell Lt & Supt &c

Richmond Va Oct 18 1865.
Respectfully returned to Lieut Merrell Have inquire made for these persons in the colored churches.  By order of Col O. Brown (Sgd) James A. Bates A.A.A.G.
Retd Oct 19th 1865

Greensboro N.C.
Oct 11th 1865.

Recd Oct 18th 1865.
States that the order which Col Brown gave the party of teachers in Richmond for transportation of themselves and baggage at Gov't rates procured them transportation at half price & Danville with no extra charge for baggage. That they were charged $10. for the