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574   757

W.C. Ciner
S. H. Ciner
Warwick Co Va
Sept 25/65

Applies for restoration of property.
Fort Monroe Oct 16th/65
Respectfully referred to Col O. Brown Asst. Comr &c Approved. Except for the wood and on the conditions named within, that the petitioners employ or rent to the colored people on the place ten or more acres. of land at fair rates. (Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt & A.Q.M. 
Property restored by Special order No 85 Par 1 dated Hd Qrs Asst Comr Ste of Va Richmond Va Oct 24/65

William S Lompking
Elizabeth City Co. Va
Applies for restoration of Property.
Fort Monroe Oct 18/65
Respectfully referred to Col O. Brown with the recommendation that this petition be granted  (Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt & A.Q.M. & Supts 
Property restored by Special order No 83 Par 2. dated Hd Qrs Asst Comr Ste of Va Richmond Va Oct 21st/65

Rev N. O Keefe
Norfolk Va
Oct 14th/65

Applies for restoration of property No 31 Main St Norfolk Va
Norfolk Va Oct 16th/65
Respectfully forwarded, The property applied for in on our books, as belonging to J. Corpen and the applicant has before endeavored to obtain possession. His application was refused on the ground that all of the interests of Corpen therein was the property of the Bureau. The papers. Enclosed contain a statement of Clerk of Court that the libel against said property has been dismissed. and the other papers establish the right of Applicant to it - I would respectfully submit that the property be restored to its owner. It is rented at $8.00 per month.   (Sgd) Charles.E.Johnston. Asst Supt

Norfolk Va Oct 17/65
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr &c Bureau RF & AL. Richmond Va   (Sgd) A.S. Flagg. Capt & AQM & Supt &c
Property restored by Special Order No 83 Par 1 daed Hd Qrs Asst Comr Ste of Va Richmond Va Oct 21st/65

Linsley Bros 
Yorktown Va
Sept 21st/65
Refer 2 B.388

Recd Back Oct 20th 1865
Fort Monroe Va Sept 25/65
Respectfully returned to Capt. E.W. Coffin. C.S & Asst Supt &c Calling his attention to the endorsement of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) C.B. Wilder, Capt & A.Q.M. & Supt &c

Fort Monroe Va Oct 17th/65
Respectfully returned to Col O Brown Asst Comr &c with the additional proof required   (Sgd) C.B Wilder Capt & AQM & Supt &c
Property restored by Special Order No 82 Par 5 dated Hd Qrs Asst Comr St of Va Richmond Va Oct 20th/65

H.F. Woodhouse
Princes Anne Co Va
Sept 1st 1865
Refer 2.B.376

Recd Back Oct 21st 1865
Norfolk Va Sept 25/65
Respectfully returned to Mr Jackson for additional papers as pr endorsements of Col O. Brown.   (Sgd) A.S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M. & Supt &c

Princess Anne & Nansemond Co
Norfolk Va Oct 17/65
Respectfully returned to Capt A S Flagg A.Q.M. Supt &c with reference to certificate that no libel has been issued against property of Henry F Woodhouse, and that he is not included in any class excepted. in Proclamation of Amnesty of May 29th/65
(Sgd) Your Obdt Servt. Thomas P. Jackson Asst Supt.

Norfolk Va Oct 18/65
Respectfully returned to Col O. Brown Asst. Comr Bureau R.F & A.L. Richmond Va with all requisite papers called for in order No 19 &c
(Sgd) A S. Flagg Capt & A Q.M & Supt
Property restored by Special Order No.83 Par 4 Dated Hd Qrs Asst Comr Ste of Va Richmond Va October 21st 1865