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Wm. H. Allen
late Col 1st and 145th NY Vols
New York City
Sept 26th 1865.


Rec'd Back Oct 27th 1865.
Washington Oct 25th 1865.
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown✓ Asst Com'r &c Richmond Va. Who is hereby authorized. if deemed advisable to furnish the necessary transportation for this family.
By order of Maj Gen'l Howard
(Sgd) Max Woodhull A.A.G.
Transportation order No.18. (approved) dated 27th Octo 1865

O. Brown
Col and Asst Com'r
Richmond Va
Sept 30th 1865.

Rec'd Back Octo 20th 1865.
Fort Monroe Va Oct 7th 1865.
Respectfully referred of the Chief of the Ordinance Department calling attention to the endorsement of Col Brown.
(Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt and a.q.m. &c
Fort Monroe Arsenal Va
Octo 8th 1865.
I know nothing of the matter referred to in this communication.
(Sgd) T.G. Baylor Capt of ord &c
Fort Monroe Oct 10th 1865.
Maj Carney. Dear Sir. I am called upon by Col Brown Asst Com'r Richmond for the whereabouts. of a safe (iron) that you had in our storehouse. Fort Monroe. last year. Can you give me the desired information
An early reply will very much oblige.
(Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt and a.q.m.

Lowell Mass Oct 13th 1865.
Respectfully returned. The safe mentioned within was in the case mate formerly occupied by Lt Col J.B. Kinsman✓ as an office and was there. I believe at the time Major Carney turned over the property of Dept Negro Affairs to Col. O. Brown.
(Sgd) Geo. J. Carney


Fort Monroe Va Octo 18th 1865
Respectfully returned to Col O. Brown Asst Com'r &c. State of Va. I have made special inquiry and search for the safe at and about Col Kinsman's Office. and quarters of Lt Livers Port Q.M. in Fort. and can find no trace of it.
(Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt and a.q.m.

Max Woodhull
Oct 12th 1865.


Rec'd Back Oct 24th 1865.
Winchester Va Oct 20th 1865.
Respectfully returned. I have directed Mr Coontz✓ to vacate the store- rooms of Mr Graham on or before the 1st day of November 1865.
The lease to Mr Coontz was from month to month. and he was by me notified, to quit in September. He will thus have two months in which to obtain another storeroom.
(Sgd) W. Stover How Capt & a.q.m.

J.J. Ferree
Supt &c
Alexandria Va
Sept 28th 1865

Rec'd Back Octo 16th 1865.
Fredericksburg Oct 15th 1865.
Respectfully returned with report enclosed.
(Sgd) D.W. Bohonon Capt and Supt &c

E.W. Hudgins
York Co Va
Oct 9th 1865

see Page 581.

Rec'd octo 31st 1865.
Applies for restoration of real Estate and personal property. situated in York Co. Va
Fort Monroe Va Oct 28th 1865,
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown✓ asst com'r &c for instructions.
(Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt and a.q.m.
Filed with other papers.

H.B. Scott
Lt Col and Ins Gen'l
B R F & A L 
Sept 9th 1865.

Rec'd Back Octo Oct 4th 1865.
Lynchburg Va Sept 26th 1865.
Respectfully returned to Lt Cooper. attention invited to above endorsement. You will