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disturbing the colored people We will see how well he keeps his promises, as well as that high minded and chivalric portion of the community which always deprecates these acts, but suffer them to continue, and which has assured me that the negroes shall be left alone I hope they will keep their word, as I informed them that in any event they would be the sufferers if they allowed lawlessness and rowdyism to replace good order and quiet, that I should on the first instance that occurred again report it to higher authority. In Berkeley county a more favorable state of affairs exist, and I have yet to hear of any disturbance. I am every day more & more convinced of the wisdom of our law makers in making the provisions they have for the protection of the colored race. No person outside can have an idea of the influence exercised by the Bureau and though in some places their labors are light, yet the presence of an Officer of the Government, and the knowledge that he will not see these people abused, has an effect upon the community which shows itself in every way in which he is brought in contact with them. The schools are now organizing for the winter session, in my next report all information required will be given All of which is respectfully submitted

I have the honor to be
Most Respfy Your obt Servt
A.F. Higgs
1st Lieut VRC
Asst Supt

Maj Gen Schofield
Asst Comr &c

[[?]] for the Negroes.

Some unworthy white men in our [[community?]] have been endeavoring to incite the colored population to the commission of lawless acts. If they listen to the teachings of these fanatical creatures, untold trouble may ensue. We would advise the colored people of this community, whom we know are naturally disposed to good behavior, and who have, heretofore, with few exceptions, demeaned themselves with a commendable propriety, to rid themselves of the influence of those few white creatures who, under the guise of friendship, are bent upon their destruction. We conjure them to remember that "evil communications corrupt good manners." It is to their best interests to spurn the evil machinations of these wicked persons.

We would advise the parties chiefly instrumental in exciting bitter feeling in our negro population towards our citizens, that their movements are not unnoticed, and if they continue in their wicked designs speedy retribution may follow their misdeeds.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-07 16:24:34