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6 called, crying out to him "shoot her, shoot her" A white man, "John H. Wade" seeing the fracas, here came up & pulled Foster off saying that if he wanted to whip the woman he ought to get a switch & do it, & not act as he was doing. - "Marshal Jamison J.T." to whom this woman applied, would not bind Foster over to keep the peace even, because she could not swear that she had no animosity towards him. He told her, however, she could go before the Grand Jury, which met last October but she failed to appear.

On the 15th of the month "Frankie A Law" colored - who had been working for "Thos Law" white - since the first of the year, for food and clothes was struck over the head with a stick, by the latter leaving a scar, because, in wheeling some soil out of the cellar of his house, she said she preferred to go backwards, instead of face out as he directed [[strikethrough]]her[[/strikethrough]] she should; she was then driven off. Told her to complain to the nearest magistrate & go before the next Grand Jury.

It will be seen, in nearly all these cases; as I have taken occasion to remark in my previous Reports; that almost the only recourse seems to be in the "Grand Jury" and in the chances of their ever getting there are but few indeed, the fact of their never coming to anything follows as a natural sequence. It cannot either fail to be noticed, as I have before stated, that a great many women particularly are laboring for nothing more than food & clothes; the latter of which though scanty at most, they often never get & when such are turned off, at this season especially almost naked, without the slightest provision in prospect for either food or shelter - it is truly wretched. A Freedwoman applied to me