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a few days ago, for relief. She had been working since the beginning of the year, for a Mr "Marshal Ayres" white - for food and clothes. In the mean time, as cold as it is here now & will be before she succeeds in getting any of the latter if she ever does - for as yet he has not given her the first article, and says he will not till Christmas -, she goes with bare feet (a cripple too) and the only cover to her nakedness hangs in filthy rags from her back. I sent this creature to Mr Bernard the presing Justice but it appears she did not find her way there.

On my last Month's Report I mentioned a case of "Ferdinand Fergurson" - freed Boy - who had been beated by "Patrick Lynch", steward of the Poor House, which I had referred to Justice Bernard. The Boy did not go to him. I also named another - "Emily L. Padue" freedwoman vs "Isaac Padue" White for striking which had been sent to a Magistrate. Nothing further has been heard of it since.

In most instances of beating, I will admit that there may, probably, be no intention on the part of the aggressor to repeat the offense; and where the party assailed, as is almost universally the case under such circumstances, wither leaves or is driven off, there is not often a chance for its recurrence. The matter then stands this. The outrage is perpetrated purely for the gratification at the time, of an indignant spirit of vindictiveness - taking defenseless conditions of the freedman - well knowing that such a course can be freely indulged in almost with impunity. The victim pockets his wrong and goes off. From the facts in the case he cannot ever have his assailant bound over to keep the peace, while the injury is of such a nature that he probably would not, could he even bring civic suit,