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colored family can get a room less than five dollars per month With coal at seven dollars per ton, and wood in proportion, and the other necessaries of life exorbitantly high; no head of a family however industrious at the present state of wages can keep want from his door, while those who are out of employment, or by their ignorance move from the country into the town with the expectation of procuring work, find starvation staring them in the face. This particularly applys to the families of those who go into the country to labor, as they are in most instances obliged to leave them behind, and the great number of deaths among the young have been occasioned by the mother being obliged to go out by day and work, leaving the sick child behind, which from want of proper nursing, dies! The mortality among this class the past season has been much greater than among the whites, though the increase is greater  Whether the race under all these disadvantages will continue to increase, time can only show but if an epidemic, such as Small Pox or Cholera, makes its appearance the results will be fearful. A number died of the former disease last winter and I doubt not but what it will again appear as soon as cold weather sets in. With no clothing on hand, the issue of rations stopped, the nearest medical Officer at Winchester, little assistance can be rendered by the Bureau. But all evils have their remedy If coal which can be purchased at six dollars per ton by the car load, could be used in extreme cases, and a supply of clothing likewise, with medical attendance on the spot, great suffering which I am fearful will take place may be prevented. I had the honor a few days ago to forward the communication of Dr. ODonnell of this place, relating to the medical attention which he was gratuitously giving to the colored people, I trust that the matter may be favorably considered This gloomy state of affairs is relieved by the good work being done by the Schools, which are in a flourishing condition as will be seen by the several Reports herewith. No school is yet in operation at Charlestown, this will soon be remedied as teachers are on the way. All of which is respfy submitted.

I am Most Respfy

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