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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A Lands
Office Asst Supt. Counties of Rockingham and Shenandoah 
Woodstock Va Nov 27th 1866

Maj Genl Scofield
Asst Commr
I have the honor to make a report of "Bureau Affairs" for the monthe of November of this Sub Dist - 
Among some large families of Freedmen there is still much suffering not only from the lack of food, but also medicine. 
I am in almost daily receipt of complaints that monies due them &c, are not paid, and as they are not able to fee a lawyer to attend to their cases, they can not but loose them (I would draw attention to a case forwarded from this office Nov 19th) The freedmen show a great desire to abide by any contract made and are all anxious to be employed.
The lack of schools are greatly felt, as during the long winter nights the adults can study if the have an incentive. 
The feeling of the white inhabitants has not at all improved, there is still a very decided desire on their part to take all and every advantage of the Freedmen, and abuse them if resisted.